Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2021

11 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2021 ELEKTROWÄRMETECHNIK FRANZ MESSER GMBH ERGE Elektrowärmetechnik - Franz Messer GmbH 91220 Schnaittach - Hersbrucker Straße 29-31 Tel. +49/9153/921-0 Fax +49/9153/921-117 www.erge-elektrowaermetechnik.de mail: verkauf@erge-elektrowaermetechnik.de HEIZEN TROCKNEN REGELN CONTROLLING HEATING DRYING ➠ Kautex Maschinenbau GmbH www.kautex-group.com CEO Thomas Hartkämper解释:“ 考特斯管理团队的继任计划也是公司新 战略的组成部分,始终合乎考特斯的新 愿景、新使命和新理念。现在也到了在 销售和服务领域实施战略变革的时候 了。” 他补充道:“我们非常感谢 Andre- as Lichtenauer 多年来对考特斯的热情 奉献。他成功帮助公司创造了辉煌的时 代。Andreas Lichtenauer不仅大力参与 了中国市场的建设,还在世界各地成功 建立起汽车油箱业务,对公司和整个行 业产生了持久深远的影响。 Management Succession n Kautex Maschinenbau is consistently continuing the implementation of its new vision, mission and philosophy: as successor to Andreas Lichtenauer, Chri- stian Pum took over as Managing Direc- tor Sales of the Kautex Group on August 1, 2021. CEO Thomas Hartkämper will additionally be responsible for the Ser- vice business unit in the future. The suc- cession plan follows a long-term change process and is part of the new orientati- on of Kautex Maschinenbau. At the end of 2019, Kautex Maschinen- bau responded consistently to massively changed market conditions. With suc- cess: The company has already imple- mented the change quickly, consistently and successfully in many areas of the company. Thomas Hartkämper, CEO, explains: "Part of this strategy is also the successi- on planning in the Group's manage- ment, always in line with the new vision, mission and philosophy for the future Kautex. Now it is time to initiate this change in sales and service as well." He added: "In this context, we would like to thank Andreas Lichtenauer for his many years of dedication and passion for Kau- tex Maschinenbau. He has helped shape a successful era for the company. Andre- as Lichtenauer was not only instrumental in building up the Chinese market. His success in building up the tank business worldwide has also had a lasting impact on the company and the entire industry. 内以新的推动力实施,”GINDUMAC 集 团首席执行官 Janek Andre 评论道。 2021年初,GINDUMAC集团决定 成立顾问委员会,以支持公司的战略发 展。顾问委员会包括 Mag . Alexander Eisler(WEILER Werkzeugmaschinen 和 Kunzmann Maschinenbau 的所有者 和管理合伙人)、Hans Ulrich Golz 博 士(管理顾问)、Dominik Benner 博士 (The Platform Group GmbH & Co. KG 的所有者兼首席执行官)以及 Nadine Despineux(克劳斯玛菲技术有限公司 董事总经理)。 Advisory Board Extended n Nadine Despineux is a new advisory board member at used machinery dealer GINDUMAC. The Managing Director of n Nadine Despineux 成为了二手机 械经销商 GINDUMAC集团的顾问委员 会新成员。 作为克劳斯玛菲技术有限公 司(KraussMaffei Technologies )的董 事总经理,她拥有多年的行业经验,是 这家位于慕尼黑的塑料加工设备制造商 的创新历程背后的推动者。 GINDUMAC集团董事总经理 Be- nedikt Ruf 描述道:“我们很高兴 Despi- neux 夫人决定更积极地亲自参与 GIN- DUMAC的活动。她的推动力和与克劳 斯玛菲合作的协同效应再次为我们的发 展战略和业务运营开创了宝贵的前 景。”在“向前推进”的座右铭下,GIN- DUMAC今年将通过加强其核心市场并 在中东和北非或独联体地区等增长地区 新的市场潜力来实施有针对性的增长战 略。“咨询委员会已经确认,我们在战 略上走在正确的轨道上。我们一起修订 了当前的行动计划,并会在未来几个月 扩充顾问委员会