Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2021

12 信息縱覽 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2021 ➠ GINDUMAC Group www.gindumac.com KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH has many years of industrial experience and is the driving force behind the innovation processes at the Munich-based manufac- turer of plastics processing machines. "We are delighted with Mrs. Despineux's decision to become more actively involv- ed personally at GINDUMAC. Her im- pulses and the synergy effects in the co- operation with KraussMaffei once again open up valuable perspectives for our strategic and operational business deve- lopment," describes Benedikt Ruf, Ma- naging Director of the GINDUMAC Group. Under the motto "Pushing Forward", GINDUMAC is pursuing a targeted growth strategy this year by strengthen- ing its core markets and developing new market potential in growth regions such as the MENA or CIS region. "The advisory board has confirmed that we are strategically on the right track. Together we have revised our current ac- tion plan and go with new impulses into the implementations for the coming months," comments Janek Andre, CEO of the GINDUMAC Group. At the beginning of 2021, the GINDU- MAC Group decided to establish an ad- visory board to support the strategic de- GINDUMAC 集团董事总经理 Janek Andre(左)和 Benedikt Ruf(右)欢迎克劳斯玛 菲技术有限公司董事总经理 Nadine Despineux(中)成为顾问委员会的新成员 The Managing Directors of the GINDUMAC Group, Janek Andre (left) and Benedikt Ruf (right), welcome Nadine Despineux (center), Managing Director of KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH, as a new member of the Advisory Board velopment of the company. The advisory board includes Mag. Alexander Eisler, (Owner and Managing Partner of WEI- LER Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH and Kunzmann Maschinenbau GmbH), Dr. Hans Ulrich Golz (Management Consul- tant), Dr. Dominik Benner (Owner & CEO of The Platform Group GmbH & Co. KG) and Nadine Despineux (Managing Direc- tor of KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH). 一起。” Paul Walach 博士拥有机械工 程博士学位,并已在莱芬豪舍集团的多 个职位上成功工作了七年 - 其中最后三 年担任流延/片材/涂布部门的技术总 监。Karsten Kratz 除了担任莱芬豪舍集 团的首席财务官外,直到最近还是流延/ 片材/涂布部门唯一的董事总经理。 “就 我个人而言,继续沿着我们目前的增长 轨道前进既是一种动力,也是一种责 任。”Paul Walach 博士解释说。“未 来,我们将专注于将我们在特殊设备制 造方面的专业知识与我们模块化系统中 经过现场验证的组件结合起来,并提供 有关循环经济和数字化主题方面的巧妙 解决方案。为此,我们与薄膜制造商保 持着密切联系。我们非常期待将他们当 前所面临的挑战转化为未来的机遇。” n 自 2021 年 7 月 1 日起,Paul Wa- lach 博士与 Karsten Kratz 一起成为莱 芬豪舍流延/片材/涂布部门的董事总经 理。通过这一举措,莱芬豪舍集团专门 从事流延薄膜、片材和挤出涂布生产线 的业务部门在执行管理层的层面引入了 换代变革。 莱芬豪舍集团首席执行官 Bernd Reifenhäuser 解释说:“我们让 年轻的高管负责,但仍然让经验丰富的 高管作为他们的侧翼。这使得专业知 识、多样性得以和稳定性很好地结合在 领导层的变化 Paul Walach 博士(照片由莱芬豪舍提 供) Dr. Paul Walach (Photo: Reifenhäuser)