Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2021

13 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2021 ➠ Reifenhäuser Cast Sheet Coating www.reifenhauser.com Generation Change n Effective July 1, 2021 Dr. Paul Walach becomes Managing Director of Reifen- häuser Cast Sheet Coating together with Karsten Kratz. With this move, the Rei- fenhäuser Group business unit specializ- ing in cast film, sheet and extrusion coating lines introduces a generation change at executive management level. Bernd Reifenhäuser, CEO of the Reifen- häuser Group, explains: "We are placing young executives in charge but with ex- perienced executives to flank them. This makes for a good mix of know-how, di- versity, and stability." Dr. Paul Walach holds a doctorate in mechanical engi- neering and has already worked success- fully for the Reifenhäuser Group in vario- us positions over a period of seven years - the last three of them as technical di- rector of Cast Sheet Coating. Karsten Kratz, in addition to his function as CFO of the Reifenhäuser Group, was the sole Managing Director of Cast Sheet Coating until recently. "Personally, continuing along our current track of growth represents a motivation as well as a responsibility," explains Dr. Paul Walach. "In the future we will focus on combining our expertise in special machine tool manufacturing with field- proven components from our modular system and deliver clever solutions on the themes of the Circular Economy and digitalization. To achieve this, we keep close contacts with film manufacturers. We are very much looking forward to transforming their current challenges in- to opportunities for the future." ➠ KraussMaffei www.kraussmaffei.com 约尔格·布雷默对新的职位作出了 说明:“克劳斯玛菲是一家在全球享有 盛誉的历史悠久的公司,180 多年来一 直体现着大型机械制造领域的开拓精神 和创新精神。很荣幸有机会以 CFO 的 身份在战略和运营层面帮助塑造这样一 家公司。我期待为克劳斯玛菲的积极发 展贡献我的经验和专业知识,尤其是在 数字化、标准化和未来发展方面。” Changes in Management Board n Dr. Harald Nippel, KraussMaffei Group’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Member of the Executive Committee, leaved the company effective May 31, 2021 on his own wish. Dr. Nippel started his successful career at KraussMaffei in 2016 as CFO of the Group. Since then, he has driven forward key initiatives and projects in his areas of responsibility worldwide and thus made a significant contribution to the positive development of KraussMaffei. „We would like to thank Harald Nippel for his services, valuable contributions and extensive personal commitment to KraussMaffei“ says Dr. Michael Ruf, CEO of Krauss Maffei Group. KraussMaffei has appointed Jörg Bremer n 克劳斯玛菲集团首席财务官 (CFO) 兼执行委员会成员 Harald Nippel 博士 自愿离职,于 2021 年 5 月 31 日离开公 司。 Nippel 博士于 2016 年在克劳斯玛 菲开始了他成功的职业生涯,担任集团 首席财务官。从那时起,他在全球推动 了其职责范围内的关键举措和项目,从 而为克劳斯玛菲的积极发展做出了重大 贡献。 克劳斯玛菲集团首席执行官 Mi- chael Ruf 博士说:“我们要感谢 Harald Nippel 对克劳斯玛菲的服务、宝贵贡献 和广泛的个人奉献”。 克劳斯玛菲任命约尔格·布雷默 (Jörg Bremer) 为克劳斯玛菲集团和在 上 海 上 市 的 克 劳 斯 玛 菲 有 限 公 司 (KMCL) 的新首席财务官 (CFO),自 2021 年 7 月 1 日起生效。布雷默还将 成为克劳斯玛菲集团管理委员会的成 员。 as new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the KraussMaffei Group and the Shang- hai-listed KraussMaffei Company Limited (KMCL), effective July 1, 2021. Bremer will also become a member of the KraussMaffei Group Management Board. "A traditional company with a great glo- bal reputation, KraussMaffei has embo- died the pioneering spirit and innovation in large-scale machine manufacturing for over 180 years. It's an honor to have the chance to help shape such a company strategically and operationally as CFO. I look forward to contributing my experi- ence and know-how to KraussMaffei's positive development, especially with re- gard to digitalization, standardization and growth," explains Jörg Bremer. Dr. Harald Nippel Jörg Bremer (Photos: KraussMaffei) 管理委员会的变动