Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2021

➠ Graham Engineering www.grahamengineering.com ➠ American Kuhne www.americankuhne.com ➠ Welex www.welex.com “Vladimir 在各类挤出工艺方面的 丰富经验是格雷汉姆工程公司为这个不 断增长的市场提供服务的宝贵资产,” 销售和服务副总裁 Michael Duff 说。 Vladimir Ilyutovich 于 2014 年加入格雷 汉姆工程公司,担任医疗系统国际销售 经理。 Sales Manager for Extrusion Systems n Graham Engineering Corporation has appointed Vladimir Ilyutovich as Interna- tional Sales Manager for Extruders and Extrusion Systems. In this position, he oversees the growth of the company's technologies in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Australia. His responsibilities include commercial management of Welex sheet extrusion lines, Graham Engineering ex- trusion blow molding systems and Ame- rican Kuhne medical tubing systems, as well as wire and cable, film, profiles and compounding. "Vladimir's deep experience with extru- sion processes of all types serves as a va- luable asset to Graham Engineering in serving this growing market," said Michael Duff, vice president, sales and service. Vladimir Ilyutovich joined Gra- ham Engineering Corporation in 2014 as international sales manager for medical systems. ➠ S.T. Soffiaggio Tecnica S.r.l. ST (Suzhou) BlowMoulding Technology Co.Ltd. www.st-blowmoulding.com 备件仓库几年前就已开业,与意大 利技术人员的实时联系仍然全面畅通。 New Subsidiary in China n Experience, courage and innovation – It is with these premises that ST BlowMoulding opens its new subsidiary in China, after the production facilities in Italy, Switzerland and the service techni- cians already present in America. Locat- ed in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, the new ST (Suzhou) BlowMoulding Technology Co. Ltd reflects all the optimism and the desire to get involved even in such a dif- ficult and uncertain time. It is not by chance that Suzhou has been chosen as the location of the new ST BlowMould- ing, since it is one of the cities with the highest economic and technological de- velopment in China, the perfect outpost for expansion towards Asian countries. With this choice, ST BlowMoulding sends a clear message of constant pre- n 经验、勇气和创新——正是在这些 前提下,继位于意大利、瑞士的生产设 施 和 美 国 的 技 术 服 务 人 员 之 后,ST中空成型公司在中国开设了新的 子公司:位于江苏省苏州市的ST(苏 州)中空成型技术有限公司。这一举措 体现了即使在这样一个困难和不确定的 时期,公司也保持着对市场的乐观和期 望。苏州被选为新成立的ST 中空成型 公司的所在地并非偶然,因为它是中国 经济和技术发展最快的城市之一,是向 亚洲国家拓展的完美前哨。 通过这一举措,ST中空成型公司 向其客户发出了持续参与市场的明确信 息。几周前进行的远程调试,以及世界 多个地区的技术人员的出席,都表明: 将近24 小时的服务是有保证的。这样 就减少了(如果说不可能完全避免)设 备的意外停机并长时间等待帮助的现 象。特别是在当前这样的时期,旅行和 转机受到严重限制,仍能配备专门的技 术人员向客户现场提供服务,范围包括 从组装到启动和日常维护,360°全方位 照顾机器,这就使我们具备了相当大的 优势。 在中国设立新的子公司 sence to its customers, as already shown with the remote commissioning made a few weeks ago and the presence of technicians in several parts of the world that guarantees an almost 24 hours ser- vice, reducing, if not avoiding, unexpect- ed machine stop and long times waiting for assistance. Especially at a time like this, in which travel and transfers are se- verely limited, having specialized techni- cians dedicated to on-site customers who take care of the machine at 360°, from assembly to start-up and mainte- nance, leads to considerable advantage. The spare parts warehouse opened seve- ral years ago, and the real-time connec- tion with technicians in Italy remains ful- ly operational. www.smart-extrusion.com 15 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2021