Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2021

➠ MAAG Group www.maag.com from politics and science. Fairness and partnership in business life as well as the social competence of entrepreneurs and executives shape the work of the Senate. The ethical principles and values of the Senate's community are the basis and guideline for the economic actions of the members of the Senate. 从左至右: Norbert Streveld 和 Christoph Bruessel 博士对 Alaaddin Aydin 的任命表示祝贺 From left to right: Norbert Streveld and Dr. Christoph Bruessel congratulate Alaaddin Aydin to his appointment 16 信息縱覽 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2021 n 德国 MAAG 副总裁兼董事总经理 Alaaddin Aydin 被任命为欧洲经济委员 会成员。 Alaaddin Aydin 在欧洲商业参 议院代表 MAAG Germany GmbH 担任 参议员。该任命于 2021 年 6 月 12 日在 德国伯尔韦勒的圣安娜伯格酒厂举行的 参议院葡萄酒花节期间进行。 Alaaddin Aydin 先生收到了德国商业委员会执行 委员会主席 Norbert Streveld 和执行委 员会基金会商业委员会主席 Christoph Brüssel 博士的任命证书。 商业参议院 由来自商业、科学和社会各界的人士组 成,他们意识到自己对国家和社会的责 任。他们共同致力于在对生态/社会负责 任的市场经济背景下,切实履行可持续 发展的以共同利益为导向的目标。 为实现其目标,商业参议院正在与 政界和科学界的代表进行对话。商业活 动中的公平和伙伴关系以及企业家和高 管的社会能力构成了参议院的工作。参 议院社区的道德原则和价值观是参议院 成员经济行为的基础和指导方针。 Appointment to the European Senate of Business n Alaaddin Aydin , VP MAAG Germany / Managing Director, was appointed to the Senate of Economy Europe. Alaaddin Aydin represents MAAG Germany GmbH as Senator in the European Senate of Business. The appointment took place during the Senate's Wine Blossom Festi- val on June 12, 2021 at the Sankt Anna- berg Winery in Burrweiler, Germany. Alaaddin Aydin received the appoint- ment certificate from Norbert Streveld, Chairman of the Executive Board Senate of Business Germany and Dr. Christoph Brüssel, Chairman of the Executive Board Foundation Senate of Business. The Senate of Business is made up of personalities from business, science and society who are aware of their responsi- bility to the state and society. Together, they contribute to the practical imple- mentation of the common good-orient- ed goals of sustainability in the context of an ecological / social responsible mar- ket economy. To achieve its goals the Senate of Busi- ness is in dialogue with representatives 欧洲商业参议院的任命 5,000 公斤/小时(11,000 磅/小时), 并且能够混合多达 12 种物料成分。碎 桥器由下列部件组成: 1) 一个料斗嵌 入件,将材料直接向下引导到分配阀上 方; 2) 一个在分配阀开启时自动运行 的旋转装置。该装置在顺时针和逆时针 方向运动之间快速切换,从而提高了流 过分配阀的物料流量。 n 将一套气动装置安装在称重计量式 混料机的一个料斗内,就可以准确地计 量回收再生塑料以及其他易于结块或“ 架桥”的物料组分,这类物料通常会阻 碍流经料斗分配阀的物料流动。 美奎(Maguire)已经为其最大的 三种型号混料机系列引入了新型“架桥 破碎器”,这些混料机的最大产量为 实现了精确计量的自动料斗装置