Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2021

24 信息縱覽 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2021 ➠ Kautex Maschinenbau GmbH www.kautex-group.com are synonymous with maximum produc- tivity, sustainability, and product quality. Kautex is currently realigning its whole product portfolio for the future as part of its product promotion campaign: Instead of highly specialized individual solutions, the company is now focusing more on standardization, modular concepts, and platform-based strategies. Kautex gave visitors to this year’s China- plas their first glimpse of its new Skyreef series. The innovative idea behind the machines combines technologies and components from different Kautex series n 迈向自主化挤出吹塑设备——全新 Skyreef 包装机器能够提供基于通用平 台的灵活机器解决方案。 考特斯机械制造有限公司是全球领 先的挤出吹塑技术供应商之一,旗下的 吹塑机生产高效、经久耐用,品质卓 越。作为产品创新计划的一部分,考特 斯以未来为导向,正在重新调整其全部 产品组合。如今,公司更加侧重于标准 化、模块化的设计方案和平台战略,而 非高度专门化的单一解决方案。 考特斯在今年的Chinaplas上让参 观者第一次看到了其新的Skyreef系 列。新款机器将考特斯多种不同系列的 技术和组件相结合,专为未来的智能生 产 而 设 计 , 旨 在 打 造 自 主 化 机 器。Skyreef 机器可采用液压、全电动 或者电液混合的运行方式,由客户自行 选择,确保高灵活性与高匹配度。 中国是考特斯的一大核心市场。考 特斯在广东顺德建立了生产基地,至今 已有25年。 New Skyreef Series Unveiled n Next stop: an autonomous extrusion blow molding line – the new Skyreef packaging machines open the door to flexible machinery solutions based on a common platform. Kautex Maschinenbau is one of the world’s leading producers of extrusion technology. Its blow molding machines 提出新的Skyreef系列 and is designed for a future of smart pro- duction. The ultimate aim? The autono- mous machine. Customers can choose whether their Skyreef is powered by a hydraulic, all-electric or hybrid drive, making it both flexible and adaptable. China is a major market for Kautex, and the company has run its own production site in Shunde in the south of the coun- try for over 25 years now. 考特斯机械制造公司的新Skyreef系列 The new Skyreef range from Kautex Maschinenbau the ideal Melt Filtration System should be self-cleaning. Typically, the principle of back flushing is used. A proportion of the melt flow is diverted so that it flows in the reverse direction across filter ele- ments which are not in use in order to wash the contamination out. The cleaning efficiency of the back-flushing and the quantity of material needed for back flushing vary greatly between the different systems available on the mar- ket. With the Gneuss RSFgenius Melt Filtra- tion System, the high pressure sequential cleaning system ensures that the filter elements are completely cleaned with the absolute minimum of polymer. Nosoplas in Spain decided in favour of the RSFgenius Rotary Filtration System due to the high efficiency and the fast return on investment which it offers. No- soplas manufactures bottle grade pellets (chip) from PET bottle flake. The pellets (chip) are supplied to other companies, where they are injection moulded to pre- forms which are later blown into high quality bottles for beverages. Nosoplas decided to replace their exist- ing, conventional filtration system due to problems with back flushing and high polymer losses. They replaced this con- ventional system with a Gneuss RSFgeni- us 175 for a throughput of 1.500 kg/h and a filtration fineness of 56 µm. In fact, the customer is even able to operate with 30 µm for special products. And this all with a constant, steady melt pressure, minimal losses due to back flushing and without any production variations, even during replacement of the filter ele- ments. ➠ Gneuß Kunststofftechnik GmbH www.gneuss.de