Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2021

08 信息縱覽 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2021 Digital service platform: ILLIG Assist supports customers on their way to Industry 4.0 (Picture: ILLIG) 数字服务平台:ILLIG Assist支持客户进 入工业4.0(图片:伊利格) Industry 4.0 Makes Thermoforming More Effective n ILLIG Maschinenbau introduces “ILLIG Assist”, a digital service platform to ac- tively support ILLIG customers on the way to Industry 4.0. Digital transforma- tion is increasingly becoming a reality thanks to breakthrough technologies. This also applies to the packaging indus- try: manufacturing processes are becom- ing more digital and the entire value chain is being networked. Digitalization is here. IIoT (Industrial In- ternet of Things) and connectivity are in- creasingly important for manufacturing and industrial networking with produc- tion systems such as Manufacturing Exe- cution Systems, MES. In particular, self- describing standard interfaces are be- coming important to reduce customizing efforts and improve data access. Learning system complements machine intelligence ILLIG systems have long been equipped with the Intelligent Control Concept (ILLIG IC). Including calculation of ma- 用户还可以查看和管理轮班报告、维护信 息和数字手册。这种方法用于建立一个永 久性的知识数据库,防止由于有经验的机 器操作员离开而造成的知识损失,并加快 对新员工的培训。 IIoT平台作为连接的基础 ILLIG Assist基 于 IIoT平 台 ADA- MOS,可通过模块化微服务架构进行扩 展,从而实现与外部系统的连接。向 ILLIG Assist报告的事件可使用任何启 用互联网的通信终端显示,并可远程通 知操作员。事件通知由操作员发出,或 者在未来版本中,如果网络机器连接到 IIoT平台,则直接由机器发出。邮件将 自动提供给组织内其他经批准的用户。 除了每台机器的资产管理和聊天功能 外,ILLIG Assist还提供创建和阅读评 论和其他信息的权限管理。根据用户权 限,系统提供对机器及其子功能模块的 深入了解,以及对整个生产线、工厂或 全球位置的概述。ILLIG Assist是与客 户一起为机器操作员和生产经理开发 的,旨在通过智能通信工具和主动知识 管理系统提高生产、服务和维护的效 率。通过数字化,伊利格使客户更接近 他们的流程,提供更高的附加值。 n 伊利格推出了“ILLIG Assist”,这是 一个数字服务平台,在迈向工业4.0的道 路上积极支持伊利格客户。由于技术的 突破,数字化转型正日益成为现实。整 个制造业和包装过程也越来越网络化。 数字化就在这里。IIoT(工业物联 网)和连接性对于制造业和与生产系 统(如制造执行系统、MES)的工业网 络越来越重要。特别是,自描述标准接 口对于减少定制工作和改进数据访问变 得越来越重要。 学习系统使机器智能更加完善 伊利格系统长期以来一直采用智能 控制概念(ILLIG IC)。包括机器参数 计算、引导设置系统和动态优化。此 外,热成型系统可以连接到本地网络和 数据库,以查询生产相关数据。ILLIG Assist完善了这些数字系统,并作为学 习组件帮助机器操作员处理日常工作流 程中发生的事件。过去,公司只能依靠 笔记和经验丰富的个人的“经验知识”传 承。新的应用程序通过清晰的交互式图 形用户界面简化了知识转移。 创建知识数据库 来自所连接机器和机器操作员自身 的消息都按时间顺序记录和显示。该系统 自动提供事件的可视定位,并基于解决方 案数据库提供详细建议,最初由伊利格深 厚的全球专业知识填充。此外,运营商可 以积极提出自己的建议,并通过视频和图 像丰富自己的建议。集成的评论功能允许 用户对建议的解决方案进行评论和评估。 工业4.0使热成型更加有效率 展台上气氛愉快。 展会上,德国迪能刀具展示了丰富 的产品和无纺布行业里面的瞩目新科 技,包括: 1. SIMU-FLASH 自动定位分切系统 2. SENSO CONTROL 刀深控制功能 DIENES at the ANEX-SINCE 2021 n ANEX SINCE 2021 took place in Shanghai from 22. to 24. 07. 2021 – and DIENES was there. As a technical and trade fair with around 30,000 visitors and over 500 exhibitors the Shanghai International Nonwovens Exhibition (SINCE) is an important event for all companies along the production chain of nonwoven products. The Asia Nonwoven Exhibition (ANEX) is also one of the most important nonwoven trade fairs worldwide. The combination of the two fairs to form ANEX-SINCE makes the fair in the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Con- vention Center one of the most impor- tant. Despite lower visitor numbers due to the pandemic, especially from abroad, the fair was a success for DIENES: personal discussions with potential customers, but also with existing customers, ensured a well-visited stand and a pleasant atmos- phere on site. Of course, the latest DIENES products and their bestsellers were presented at the fair. Of particular interest here were the latest developments for slitting non- woven: the SIMU-FLASH simultaneous knife positioning system and the SENSO CONTROL sensor-based depth adjust- ment system. ➠ DIENES www.dienes.de