Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2023

15 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2023 ➠ Solvay www.solvay.com (GHCAC) 1 which will enable the Chinese partner to build and operate a hydrogen peroxide megaplant at Qinzhou (Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region) designed to support its 300 kilotons propylene oxide (PO) production and other units on site. Under this license, Solvay will provide its proprietary hydrogen peroxide mega- scale, high productivity process techno- logy to GHCAC, including a dedicated process design package, operating exper- tise and a range of services to ensure the optimized and reliable production of the new megaplant. In addition, the com- pany will also supply GHCAC with pro- prietary 2-amylanthraquinone (AQ), the key chemical contributing to the high productivity and environmentally-friendly chemical processes of Solvay’s megaplant technology. It has been further agreed that Solvay will have a hydrogen peroxide offtake after the megaplant starts up. This will support the strategic growth of Solvay’s hydrogen peroxide business in China, in particular in the southern area. “We are very pleased that GHCAC has chosen our advanced hydrogen peroxide technology for this important megaplant project in Qinzhou,” says Peter Browning, President of Solvay’s Peroxides global business unit.” This will allow the custom- er to meet market needs with a process n 全球领先的特种化工品供应商索尔 维与广西华谊氯碱化工有限公司[1](以 下简称“广西氯碱”) 正式签订许可协 议。凭借索尔维授予的技术许可,广西 氯碱将在广西壮族自治区钦州市建设并 运营一家过氧化氢大型工厂,用于支持 其年产30万吨的环氧丙烷 (PO) 生产项 目与其他现场装置。 根据协议约定,索尔维将为广西氯 碱提供其专有的过氧化氢超大规模高生 产率工艺技术,包括专用的一整套工艺 设计方案、操作技术指导和一系列配套 服务,从而确保这家全新的大型生产工 厂实现流程的全面优化与运行的安全可 靠。此外,索尔维还将为广西氯碱提供 专有的 2-戊基蒽醌 (AQ)。在索尔维双氧 水大型工厂技术的化工工艺中,这项关 键化学品有助于提升生产效率、改进环 保性能。 此外,协议还进一步商定,索尔维 将在这家大型工厂投产后进行过氧化氢 承购。这一举措将进一步推动索尔维过 氧化氢业务在中国——尤其是在华南地 区的战略发展。 “我们非常高兴广西氯碱在钦州的 这个重要大型工厂项目中,选择采用索 尔维领先的过氧化氢技术。”索尔维过氧 化物全球事业部总裁 Peter Browning 表 示。“ 我们的整套工艺设计方案基于50 多年的行业经验,是一项高能效、高可 靠性、高性价比的解决方案,能够助力 客户满足多种市场需求。” “我们深感荣幸能够与索尔维在这 项重要的大型项目中开展合作。未来, 这家全新的过氧化氢大型工厂将以更低 能耗、更少排放的形式进行运作。除了 已经实践验证的安全性、可靠性和成本 竞争力,索尔维的高产率过氧化氢技术 具有的可持续性优势,也有助于我们在 钦州基地部署该技术。”上海氯碱化工股 份有限公司总经理张伟民评论道。 环氧丙烷是一种多功能化学中间 体,适用于多个工业和商业细分市场中 的各种材料,包括聚氨酯、丙二醇醚和 丙氧基化有机特种化合物。 [1] 广西华谊氯碱化工有限公司( “广西氯 碱”)是上海华谊控股集团有限公司与上海氯碱化 工股份有限公司成立的合资企业。 Technology License for Hydrogen Peroxide Mega-Plant in China n Solvay has signed a license agreement with Guangxi Chlor-Alkali Chemical 中国过氧化氢大型工厂的技术许可 design package backed by more than 50 years of experience, which provides an energy efficient and cost competitive so- lution with an excellent safety track re- cord.” Weimin Zhang, General Manager of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical, com- mented: “We are honored to work with Solvay in this ambitious venture, which will enable us to run the new hydrogen peroxide megaplant at lower energy con- sumption and less CO 2 emissions than competitors. Next to the proven safety, reliability and cost effectiveness of Sol- vay’s high-productivity hydrogen peroxide technology, its sustainability benefits were instrumental to deploying it at our Qin- zhou site.” The propylene oxide is a versatile chemi- cal intermediate for a wide range of ma- terials in many industrial and commercial market segments, including polyuretha- nes, propylene glycol ethers and propox- ylated organic specialty compounds. 1 Guangxi Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. is a joint venture between Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. and their parent corpora- tion, Shanghai Huayi Group Co., Ltd. 索尔维为中国过氧化氢大型工厂提供技术许可 (图片来源: Solvay) Solvay to supply technology license for hydrogen peroxide mega-plant in China (Photo: Solvay)