Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2023

16 信息縱覽 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2023 收集可回收物,并将其分类和回收为高 质量的二次材料。 在参加了陶朗在中国厦门的新办事 处开幕式,并成功参加了在河内举行的 国家塑料行动联盟会谈之后,Tove An- dersen会见了自然资源和环境部部长。 双方强调,陶朗将继续与挪威大使馆合 作,支持越南实施环境责任体系,帮助 越南向循环经济转型,实现越南在联合 国气候变化缔约方会议(COP26)上承诺 的净零目标。 National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP) Plastic Talks n TOMRA was invited to the National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP) Plastic Talks in Ha Noi, Vietnam. The company's CEO and President, Tove Andersen, took part in a panel discussion with industry re- presentatives to discuss the UN's Global Plastic Treaty. Millions of tons of plastic exit the recy- cling system every year. Vietnam is no ex- ception. According to a new report by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and World Bank, the country in Southeast Asia wastes nearly 3 billion U.S. dollars’ worth of recyclable plastics annually due to the lack of waste management infra- structure. Of the 3.9 million tons of PET and polyolefins (PO) produced in Viet- nam, only 33% are collected for recy- cling. With global warming becoming more evident and plastic production and pollution increasing at a rapid pace, Viet- nam is set to take action against plastic pollution and mitigate climate change. The country set ambitious targets, includ- ing a 50% reduction of plastic litter leak- age into the ocean by 2025, the n 陶朗(TOMRA)被邀请参加在越 南河内举行的国家塑料行动联盟(NPAP) 会谈。该公司首席执行官兼总裁Tove Andersen与行业代表一起,参加了联合 国全球塑料条约的专家咨询组讨论。 每年有数百万吨塑料从回收系统中 缺失。越南也不例外。根据国际金融公 司(IFC)和世界银行的一份新报告,由于 缺乏废物管理基础设施,东南亚国家每 年浪费价值近30亿美元的可回收塑料。 在越南生产的390万吨PET和聚烯烃 (PO)中,只有33%被回收利用。随着全 球变暖日益明显,塑料生产和污染迅速 增加,越南将采取行动应对塑料污染, 减缓气候变化。该国制定了雄心勃勃的 目标,包括到2025年将流入海洋的塑料 垃圾减少50%,引入扩大生产者责任 (EPR)的政策,并使非正规的废料管理 部门正规化。为了响应越南对这一事业 的承诺,越南被邀请成为高目标联盟 (HAC)的成员,以支持《巴黎协定》的 实现。 为了实现该国的雄心壮志,并与行 业专家一起审查《联合国全球塑料条 约》,国家塑料行动联盟与联合国开发 计划署(UNDP)共同呼吁于8月28日在越 南河内举行国家塑料行动联盟会谈。国 家塑料行动联盟是一个平台,汇集各国 政府和其他重要利益关联方,针对塑料 废料和污染采取行动。这个联合行动被 认为是越南在对抗塑料污染方面采取的 措施之一。该会议由联合国开发计划署 和国家联合行动联盟主办,探讨了“企业 如何为《全球塑料条约》做出贡献”。 陶朗是《全球塑料条约》商业联盟 的创始成员之一,也是该行业的有影响 力的领导者,已被邀请参加塑料会谈, 分享其对该条约的观点、专业知识和建 议。在国家塑料行动联盟(NPAP)会 谈期间,陶朗亚洲公共事务副总裁 Annupa Ahi发表了题为“亚洲和越南企业 在联合国《全球塑料条约》中的作用” 的演讲。此外,陶朗首席执行官Tove Andersen与艾伦·麦克阿瑟基金会、挪 威 大 使 馆 、 自 然 资 源 和 环 境 部 (MONRE)、陶朗和越南塑料协会的代表 一起参加了最后的小组讨论。 越南正在采取的解决塑料污染的部 分行动包括在2024年引入企业资源计划 (EPR),以及减少温室气体排放以实 现净零目标。越南是东南亚第一个在 2022年实施EPR计划的国家。安德森特 别强调了陶朗如何在条约谈判和企业方 面为越南提供支持,并指出陶朗与挪威 大使馆、商业联盟和自然资源与环境部 NPAP的密切合作,加上其先进的收集 和废物分类技术,将使越南释放机会, 国家塑料行动联盟(NPAP)的塑料会谈 introduction of Extended Producer Re- sponsibility (EPR) policies and formalizing the informal waste sector. In response to Vietnam’s commitment to the cause, it has been invited to become a member of the High Ambition Coalition (HAC) to support the realization of the Paris Agree- ment. To reach the country’s ambitions and ex- amine the UN Global Plastic Treaty with industry experts, the National Plastic Ac- tion Partnership (NPAP), together with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), called for the NPAP Plastic Talk on August 28, in Ha Noi, Vietnam. The NPAP is a platform that brings together go- vernments and other important stake- holders to act on plastic waste and pollution. The hybrid event is considered one of the measures Vietnam is taking to move forward in its fight against plastic pollution. Hosted by the UNDP and NPAP, the conference explored “How can busi- ness contribute to a Global Plastics Treaty.” TOMRA, one of the founding members of the Business Coalition for the Global Plastic Treaty and an impact leader in the industry, has been invited to join the plas- tic talks to share its point of view on the treaty, its expertise, and recommenda- tions. During NPAP, Annupa Ahi, Vice Pre- sident of Public Affairs at TOMRA Asia, held a presentation on “The role of Asian and Vietnamese Enterprises in the UN Plastic Treaty.” Additionally, TOMRA CEO Tove Andersen joined the concluding panel discussion with representatives from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the Norwegian Embassy, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), TOMRA, and the Viet Nam 国家塑料行动联塑胶讲座的参加者 Participants of NPAP Plastic Talks