Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2023

17 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2023 ➠ TOMRA Sorting GmbH tomra.com Plastics Association. Part of the actions Vietnam is taking to tackle plastic pollution include the intro- duction of an EPR scheme in 2024 and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissi- ons to reach its net zero goals. Vietnam was the first country in Southeast Asia to enact an EPR scheme in 2022. Andersen paid particular attention to how TOMRA supports Vietnam in negotiating the treaty and businesses, pointing out that TOMRA’s close collaborations with the Norwegian Embassy, the Business Coali- tion, and the NPAP, combined with its ad- vanced technologies for collection and waste sorting, will enable Vietnam to un- leash opportunities, collect recyclables, and sort and recycle them into high-qua- lity secondary materials. After joining the new office opening of TOMRA in Xiamen, China, and the suc- cessful participation at the National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP) Plastic Talks in Ha Noi, Tove Andersen met the Minister of MONRE. It has been empha- sized that TOMRA will continue to colla- borate with the Norwegian Embassy to support Vietnam in implementing the EPR system, to help in its transition to a circu- lar economy, and to achieve the NetZero goals Vietnam committed at the UN Cli- mate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26). ➠ Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG www.mahlo.com 11 to 13 October, innovative materials and technologies have been the focus of interest for experts at the Shenzhen World Convention and Exhibition Center. Mahlo presented them solutions for im- proved production processes with the help of quality measurement at the booth. With the Qualiscan QMS, Mahlo's China representative Frank Fei has a tool in his luggage that helps every manufacturer of display and touch screen films to sustain- ably improve his product. This is because the traversing quality control system re- cords and regulates important parameters such as basis weight, thickness or coating weight on the running web. This makes it possible, for example, to detect fluctua- tions in the applied layers and quickly rec- tify any faults. This not only improves product quality, but also protects the en- vironment by reducing raw material con- sumption. n 随着2023国际全触与显示展,全球 著名的显示和触摸屏产品展览会进入日 程:10 月 11 日至 13 日的三天里,创 新材料和技术一直是深圳世界会展中心 专家们关注的焦点。Mahlo 在展台上向 他们展示了借助质量测量改进生产工艺 的解决方案。 有了,德国Mahlo中国区首席代表 费维强 (Frank Fei)先生向业内推荐 Qualiscan QMS质量管理系统,可以帮 助每个显示器和触摸屏薄膜制造商持续 改进产品制造工艺和质量。这是因为扫 描式质量测控系统,在线测量、记录并 自动调节卷材的重要参数,如定量、厚 度或涂布量。通过测量被测层参数的波 动,快速纠正目标偏差。这不仅能提高 产品质量,而且减少原材料消耗,保护 环境。 德国Mahlo的产品组合中还有一个 独门技术,应对光学薄膜制造的挑战 - 光学薄膜是LCD屏幕不可或缺的一部 分。Optoscope WLI 白光干涉传感器可 测量薄膜的分层厚度和总厚度,尤其是 非常薄的薄膜。无论薄膜是透明或不透 明的,都能获得极其精确的测量结果。 “过去几年,中国对光学薄膜的需 求急剧增加,”费先生说:“几乎所有消 费电子行业,从电视到笔记本电脑再到 汽车导航系统。我们期待通过我们的技 术,帮助行业实现高质量和高效的生 产。" Solutions for Film and Tape n With the C-Touch & Display Expo, one of the best-known exhibitions for display and touch screen production is on the trade fair calendar: For three days from 薄膜和胶带解决方案 Mahlo also has a specialist in its portfolio to meet the challenges of manufacturing optical films – an integral part of LCD screens. The Optoscope WLI white-light interference sensor measures film thick- ness and layer thickness even with very thin films. It produces precise measure- ment results even with transparent or opaque films. "The demand for optical films has in- creased sharply in China during the past few years," Fei knows. "Almost all con- sumer electronics industry sectors from televisions to laptops to navigation sys- tems in cars. We look forward to helping these industries achieve high-quality and efficient production with our systems."