Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2023

18 信息縱覽 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2023 ➠ Clariant www.clariant.com, www.clariant.com/catalysts strengthen our regional footprint and in- crease the share of local production in China with leading catalysts technology in a strongly growing segment,“ said Jens Cuntze, President of Clariant Catalysts & Asia Pacific. CATOFIN is a catalyst for propane dehy- drogenation (PDH), which is used in the production of olefins such as propylene. Thanks to its excellent reliability and pro- ductivity, CATOFIN delivers superior an- nual production output, resulting in increased overall profitability for propy- lene producers. Additionally, Clariant de- veloped a specialty material called Heat Generating Material (HGM), which reduc- es the energy consumption of the CATO- FIN technology by up to one-third, further highlighting the advantages of this ex- ceptionally reliable, high-yield catalyst so- lution. “The successful completion of the CATO- FIN plant pushes us forward on our growth trajectory. It offers significantly more production capacity for the popu- lar, high-value catalyst in a market that’s seeing rapidly increasing demand. The in- creased production capabilities of the plant ideally position us to meet the de- mands of the region while simultaneously ensuring more proximity to a strategically important customer base,” said Jace Wang, Head of Propylene at Clariant Ca- talysts. Representing an investment of CHF 80 million, the site was completed within only 18 months from ground-breaking in September 2020, becoming fully opera- tional last year. It is a state-of-the-art plant with digitalized operations which n 科莱恩宣布其位于浙江省嘉兴市的 CATOFIN新工厂隆重开业。对 CATO- FIN 等创新产品的投资是科莱恩最新企 业宗旨——“创新化学成就天人和谐”所 引领的战略之核心要素。此外,在现有 位于附近的上海金山催化剂工厂及其位 于上海科莱恩一体化园区内的催化剂研 发中心基础上,该新工厂进一步扩大了 业已深耕中国的科莱恩发展足迹。 科莱恩催化剂业务和亚太区总裁严 坤泽(Jens Cuntze)表示:“该投资是 我们在强劲增长的细分市场中,通过领 先的催化剂技术强化区域足迹并提升中 国本地化生产供应战略的一部分。” CATOFIN 是一种基于丙烷脱氢( PDH)工艺的催化剂,可用于生产丙烯 等烯烃产品。凭借其极高的可靠性和生 产效率,CATOFIN 为丙烯生产商带来 卓越的年产量,从而提高装置的整体盈 利能力。此外,科莱恩还开发了特殊的 发热材料(HGM),可将 CATOFIN 工 艺的能耗降低三分之一,使这种极为可 靠的高产催化剂方案的优势进一步得到 凸显。 科莱恩催化剂业务单元丙烯业务部 全球副总裁王建基表示:“该 CATOFIN 工厂的成功竣工推动了我们的增长轨 迹。在需求迅速增长的市场中,该工厂 可显著提升这一广受欢迎的高价值催化 剂的产能,使我们能够很好地满足该区 域的需求,同时确保更加贴近具有战略 意义的客户群。” 该生产基地投资额为 8000 万瑞士 法郎,从 2020 年 9 月破土动工到去年 全面投产仅用了 18 个月。新工厂采用 了一流的数字化运营技术,其对于确保 高质量催化剂的持续生产,同时提高生 产率至关重要。 Grand Opening n Clariant announced the grand opening of its new CATOFIN catalyst production site in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, China. Investing in innovations such as CATOFIN is a core element of Clariant’s new pur- pose-led strategy, as expressed in the statement ‘ Greater chemistry – between people and planet .’ Beyond that, the site serves to increase the already expanding footprint in China, adding on to the exist- ing nearby catalyst plants in Jinshan and catalyst R&D center within the One Clari- ant Campus in Shanghai. “This investment is part of our strategy to 盛大开幕 are essential to be able continue making high quality catalyst while boosting pro- ductivity rates. 科莱恩宣布中国 CATOFIN 催化剂新工厂隆重开业 Clariant announces grand opening of its new CATOFIN catalyst plant in China n 由于雷孚斯(LEHVOSS)在中国 和韩国的混料业务(CPM)快速增长,比 最初预期的要快,2016年才启用的原有 生产设施和雷孚斯新材料(昆山)有限公 司的相关技术中心已经显得太小了,所 以现已经转移到了昆山的德国工业园新 的和更大的场地。2023年8月30日,在 100多位来自中国和海外的嘉宾包括客 户、商业伙伴和当地政府以及昆山德国 工业园的代表们见证下,新工厂举行了 开业典礼。 新工厂和技术中心的总面积增加了 一倍,达到5000平方米。相关产能的显 著提高使雷孚斯集团能够继续与现有客 户共同增长,并进一步提升其在充满活 力的中国市场上的地位。目前,市场上 对 于 LUVOCOM®高 性 能 混 合 料 、 LUVOTECH®技 术 混 合 料 、 特 别 是 LUVOTECH®生态经济混合料,以及 luvoobatch®色母粒的需求仍然很高。 随着研究和技术中心的大手笔扩张,雷 孚斯集团确保以尽可能快的方式满足当 地客户的需求和材料要求。中国快速发 雷孚斯在中国的混料技术 中心搬迁并增加产能