Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2023

➠ 3S GmbH sales@3S-ing.de ➠ plastship GmbH Andreas Bastian, bastian@plastship.com the procurement service provider and platform operator, and 3S GmbH, a specialist in gas measurement techno- logy. This sales cooperation makes 3S's odour assessment technology more directly accessible to a broader group of plastic recyclers and proces- sors, marking an important step to- wards improved quality assurance standards in the industry. At the heart of the collaboration is the OdorCheckerSpot (OCS) from 3S, a test device for odour assessment tailored to the needs of the plastics and recycling in- dustry. The OCS allows for an objective and reproducible assessment of the ma- terial quality of recyclates to meet the in- dustry's rising quality demands. The technology is already being used success- fully in the automotive sector. The flexibility of the 3S OdorCheckerSpot and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) allow for efficient odour assessment of various materials. For example, odour as- sessment of recyclates at different process steps becomes possible – either for con- tinuous verification of process quality or for process optimization. Compared to conventional odour panels, the OCS of- 塑料回收市场正刮起一阵清 新的风。这是由于采购服务提供 商和平台运营商plasship与气体 测量技术专家3S GmbH之间的 新合作成果。这种销售合作使3S 的气味评估技术更直接地接触到 更广泛的塑料回收商和加工者群 体,标志着向提高行业质量保证 标准迈出了重要一步。 合作的核心是3S公司的气味检测点 (OCS),这是一种为满足塑料和回收行 业的需求量身定制的气味评估测试设 备。OCS允许对回收物的材料质量进行 客观和可重复的评估,以满足行业不断 增长的质量需求。这项技术已经成功地 应用于汽车行业。 3S气味检测点的灵活性和人工智能 (AI)的使用允许对各种材料进行有效的 气味评估。例如,在不同的工艺步骤 中,对回收物的气味进行评估成为可能- 要么是为了持续验证工艺质量,要么是 为了优化工艺。与传统的气味面板相 比,OCS提供了更高的测量结果重现 性。这是一个显著的优势,特别是在与 VDA 270的要求密切一致的情况下。此 外,与气味面板和分析解决方案相 比,OCS评估显著降低了投资和运营成 本。其人性化设计易于操作,从而有助 于提高成本效率。 “在plasship平台上引入3S技术为塑 料 回 收 的 质 量 控 制 开 辟 了 新 的 途 径,”plasship董事总经理安德烈亚斯•巴 斯蒂安(Andreas Bastian)表示。“气味检 测OCS可进行快速和可靠的气味评估, 这是制定和接受质量保证标准的关键步 骤。” 3S GmbH董 事 总 经 理 Thorsten Conrad补充说:“这种合作将塑料回收的 质量保证提升到了一个新的水平,提高 了回收产品生产的效率和可靠性。” A fresh wind is blowing through the plastic recyclate market. Thanks to a new collaboration between plastship, 提升塑料再生料的质量 Recycling: Promoting Quality in Plastic Recycling fers higher reproducibility of measure- ment results. This is a significant advan- tage, especially in close alignment with the requirements of VDA 270. Moreover, the OCS scores with significantly lower in- vestment and operating costs compared to sensory panels and analytical solutions. Its user-friendly design encourages easy handling, thus contributing to cost effi- ciency. "The introduction of 3S technology on the plastship platform opens up new ave- nues for quality control in plastic recy- cling," says Andreas Bastian, Managing Director at plastship. "The OCS allows for a quick and reliable odour assessment, a crucial step for the development and ac- ceptance of quality assurance standards." Thorsten Conrad, Managing Director at 3S GmbH, adds: "This cooperation ele- vates quality assurance in plastic recycling to a new level, increasing efficiency and reliability in the production of recyclates." 3S的OdorCheckerSpot (OCS)是一款满足塑料和回收行业需求而量身定制的气味评估测 试仪(©plasship) The OdorCheckerSpot (OCS) from 3S is an odour assessment tester tailored to the needs of the plastics and recycling industry (© plastship) 46 回收利用 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2023