Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2023

07 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2023 ➠ Plastics and Rubber Thailand www.plasticsrubberthailand.com/ ➠ Messe Düsseldorf Asia www.mda.messe-dusseldorf.com ➠ Informa Markets www.informamarkets.com From 2024, the new alliance will see the two parties jointly organise the Plastics and Rubber series of exhibitions, kick starting with Plastics and Rubber Thailand which is scheduled to take place from 15 to 18 May 2024 at BITEC, Bangkok. The strategic alignment of the plastics and rubber portfolio by Messe Düsseldorf Asia and Informa Markets will see them streamline their respective plastics and rubber exhibitions in the region into three anchor events. Starting in 2024, the part- ners will jointly organise Plastics and Rub- ber Thailand, and Plastics and Rubber Indonesia, in addition to Plastics and Rub- ber Vietnam which has been a long-esta- blished collaboration since 2008. Aimed at harnessing collective capabilities and expertise of both partners to deliver an enhanced business experience for the industry, Gernot Ringling, Managing Di- rector, Messe Düsseldorf Asia, said: “Our alliance with Informa Markets builds upon a long history of successful partner- ships in the region. By consolidating the plastics and rubber trade exhibitions to now include Thailand and Indonesia start- ing in 2024, we are poised to enhance our customer experience both locally and internationally, delivering even greater value for business growth, especially against the backdrop of industry sustain- ability and circularity goals. This latest en- deavour amplifies our regional presence and further streamlines both our efforts to serve the Southeast Asian markets ef- fectively. Following in the successful foot- steps of our joint partnership with Plastics and Rubber Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, with Plastics and Rubber Thai- land and Plastics and Rubber Indonesia, we are paving the way for the absolute best local and regional platforms for in- ternational businesses in the most dyna- mic markets in Southeast Asia within the ever-evolving plastics and rubber land- scape.” The synergy will capitalise on In- forma Markets' deep regional insights and connections, complemented by Messe Düsseldorf Asia's extensive global expertise in plastics and rubber and multi- sectorial competence, including their con- nection with K, the world's leading plastics trade fair organised by Messe Düsseldorf. The plastics and rubber industries in Thai- land, Indonesia, and Vietnam play pivotal roles in the global market. Thailand has emerged as a leading manufacturer and exporter of plastic and rubber products, serving key markets such as China, Japan, India, and the ASEAN region. Similarly, In- donesia and Vietnam are crucial players in this sector, contributing significantly to the regional and global supply chains. ELEKTROWÄRMETECHNIK FRANZ MESSER GMBH ERGE Elektrowärmetechnik - Franz Messer GmbH 91220 Schnaittach - Hersbrucker Straße 29-31 Tel. +49/9153/921-0 Fax +49/9153/921-117 www.erge-elektrowaermetechnik.de mail: verkauf@erge-elektrowaermetechnik.de HEIZEN TROCKNEN REGELN CONTROLLING HEATING DRYING