Extrusion International 1-2019

20 Extrusion International 1/2019 INDUSTRY NEWS Effective Circular Economy for Chile Around 550 farmers from the Maule region of central Chile have now joined a pilot project in the Good Agricultural Prac- tices (GAP) campaign, organised by the Chilean Environmen- tal Authority with support from the German disposal specialist RIGK and the environmental consultancy firmWSP. In a series of twenty workshops, the farmers received training on the management of plastic waste, before taking part in the first large recovery campaign. 35 tonnes of used mulch film, worn out irrigation hoses and empty agricultural pesticide contain- ers were recycled or disposed of at approved disposal sites. Before this, more than half the farmers had simply burned or buried their plastic waste, making a significant contribution to the country’s environmental problems. With the GAP campaign, the Chilean Environmental Authority hopes to establish an effective circular economy in the coun- try. To do this, it is looking to international expertise and the 25 years of experience of the German disposal specialist RIGK, who has been involved with a 100% subsidiary in Chile since 2016. The collaboration focuses on developing an effective waste management system that also works in remote regions such as Maule, which is dominated by small farms. The Chilean population has shown little awareness for environmental is- sues in the past. A targeted campaign of sensitisation aims to change that. Pablo Sepúlveda, Head of the Environmental Authority for the Maule region, believes that the pilot project heralds the start of greater environmental awareness for sustainability among the population. “The Ministry for the Environment is sup- porting the campaign in order to reduce the plastic waste we produce every day. After all, many agricultural plastics end up RIGK GmbH www.rigk.de contaminating our fields, rivers and oceans. The project sup- ports us in our goal of installing sustainable waste manage- ment models. It is not the end, but the beginning of a phase in which we are finding more and more concrete and effective solutions for our environmental problems.” From now on, the Chilean Environmental Authority plans to conduct regular collections of agricultural plastic waste. The pilot project will also be rolled out to other regions in Chile. MORETTO S.p.A. www.moretto.com NewWebsite 2019 begins with full of news for Moretto, first of all the presentation of the new website, now online and usable on all types of devices. Considering the global nature and spe- cialization of its customers, Moretto renews his website with a communication that immediately reflects the company val- ues. The new graphic layout and a simple, intuitive and easy to navigate interface, allows the user to enter in Moretto’s world, to more easily explore the wide range of products and services and to stay constantly informed about the com- pany’s activities, in an increasingly connected and social per- spective. Therefore, a great attention to clear and complete contents, the use of images and video to best present the technologies. From the Home Page, the user of Moretto website selects its field of application and directly accesses to the section of products. Developed in responsive mode, it can be visited on computers, tablets and smartphones, and includes different language versions, all aligned in style and content. The new Moretto website aims to be a new information platform able to respond immediately and effectively to the requests of an increasingly demanding clientele, which is aware of the fact that investments in automation are deci- sive for the competitiveness and efficiency of their business. All Images: © RIGK