Extrusion International 1-2024

25 Extrusion International 1/2024 and rubber recycling to produce high quality recycled plastics, creating a closed-loop system that maximizes the value of materials, enhancing a more sustainable and circular future. Promoting the concept of circular economy remains an internationally recognized imperative and a key pillar of China’s economic development strategy to achieve sustainable development of the industry. Prominent enterprises and companies in the world have committed to promote recycling and circular utili- zation of plastics. In recent years, the plastics and rub- ber industries have been making relentless efforts to facilitate the transition to a circular economy. Raw ma- terial and machinery suppliers have been continuously introducing new technologies for biodegradable ma- terials, recycling, and sustainable solutions. In response to the various needs and interests of the industries, CHINAPLAS 2024 will gather innovative green solu- tions across 3 theme zones, including Recycled Plastics Zone, Bioplastics Zone and Recycling Technology Zone. Leading material suppliers and recycling equipment manufacturers will showcase their solutions to support the industry’s sustainable development goals. Global stakeholders will be invited to discuss latest plastic re- cycling trends and share insights in circular economy in the 5th Edition Plastics Recycling and Circular Economy Conference and Showcase which will take place on April 22 in Shanghai. Digitalization plays a pivotal role in transforming the industries, unlocking new possibilities and driv- ing innovation in the digital era. Introducing smart manufacturing brings numerous benefits, including enhanced operational efficiency, improved product quality, and streamlined supply chain management. From smart manufacturing and automation to data analytics and IoT integration, digitalization enables re- al-time monitoring, data-driven decision-making, and predictive maintenance. It also facilitates the adoption of advanced manufacturing techniques such as additive manufacturing and robotics. By harnessing the power of digitalization, the plastics and rubber industries can optimize processes, reduce waste, and respond swiftly to market demands, ultimately fostering sustainable growth and maintaining a competitive edge in an in- creasingly digitalized world. CHINAPLAS 2024 will introduce a full spectrum of smart manufacturing solutions and machinery in Injec- tion Molding Machinery & Smart Manufacturing Tech- nology Zone with over 57,000sqm. “Made in China” holds tremendous global signifi - cance in the plastics and rubber industries, symbolizing Leading material suppliers and recycling equipment manufacturers will showcase their solutions at CHINAPLAS 2024 to support the industry’s sustainable development goals The exhibition will gather more than 850 enterprises which is recognized as “Professionalization, Refinement, Specialization and Innovation (PRSI)”, of which over 250 have been awarded as a “Little Giant”