Extrusion International 2-2018

13 Extrusion International 2/2018 VELOX GmbH www.velox.com DistributionAgreement signed HQHUJ\ HI¯FLHQF\ Specialized in pipe extrusion lines Energy efficiency criteria is a crucial issue across manufacturing industries. Pipe extrusion is an energy intensive process and optimisation of process energy usage while maintaining melt stability is necessary in order to produce good quality product at low unit cost. At Tecnomatic, since 1977, the idea behind any machine is to design according to performance and productivity principles. The goal to offer to the market the most efficient, economic and competitive solution for pipe production. agen ziap .it Tec nom ati c S rl | B e rgamo , I tal y Tel . + 39 035 31 03 7 5 | ww w .t ecn oma tic srl .ne t VELOX GmbH, one of Europe’s leading solution providers of raw material specialities for the plastics, composites, additives and paint & coatings industries, announced a new distribution partnership with Life Material Technologies Limited (Thailand), a well-known manufacturer of antimicrobial additives and treatments for the plastics, coatings and textile industries. VE- LOX will be exclusive distributor in the DACH, Benelux and Nor- dics regions. Stefan Rokitta, Product Manager at VELOX, comments: “With this new partnership, VELOX is extending its existing antimicro- bial portfolio and is able to address new target markets for com- pounding, extrusion and injection moulding applications. We are looking forward to a very successful cooperation with Life Material Technologies.” VELOX will be offering organic and inorganic antimicrobial ad- ditives and tailor-made masterbatches for different polymer processing requirements. Key markets for LIFE™ antimicro- bial product protection are home appliance goods, bathware products and textiles where effective elimination or killing of bacteria, fungi, algae and other microorganisms is of great im- portance. “LIFE has price-competitive solutions with regard to LIFE™ antimicrobials effectively eliminate bacteria and odour and are available as powder, liquid and masterbatch (Photo: © Life Material Technologies Limited) the currently increasing demand for antimicrobial technologies delivering not only reliable inhibition of bacteria and odour but also colour as well as temperature stability”, highlights Rokitta. LIFE`s solutions complywith the EuropeanUnion’s Biocidal Prod- ucts Regulation (EU BPR 528/ 2012). Furthermore, free antimi- crobial testing inaccordancewith ISO22196or JIS Z 2801 against bacteria and ISO 846 or ASTM G21 against fungi as well as test- ing in accordance with other special organisms are available upon request.