Extrusion International 2-2018

14 Extrusion International 2/2018 INDUSTRY NEWS Siemens SCADA/IPCDays 2018 From February 19-22, 2018, at the Riverwalk Westin in San Antonio, Texas, approximately 130 people gathered for four days of product presentations, emerging technology discussions and a market trend outlook at the Siemens Factory Automation SCADA/IPC Days 2018. Members of the Siemens management, sales and support team joined their Solution Partners and a di- verse assortment of end user companies from various market segments to review new product offerings in the IPC segment of the Siemens portfolio, plus a number of new platforms in the SCADA segment. The event was hosted by the product market- ing teams for Factory Automation, based in Norcross, Georgia. Following a welcome session on the first evening, a series of presentations were made on day two to the entire group by Siemens management and technical thought leaders, covering the digital factory strategy and the company’s for- ward-thinking move to Digitalization, the current theme for the Siemens marketing message across its entire industrial platform. Key speakers were Kevin Lewis, Russell Barnes, Thorsten Julich, Bernd Raithel, Michael Steigberger, Bernd Staufer and Tom Elswick. The primary message takeaway for the group was that Digitalization will hallmark the factory of the future and SCADA will be the “digital doorway for data” in that rapid evolutionary process, as it impacts all industries, both discrete and process. There were also presentations on cloud computing and edge computing, the constituent ele- ments of the Digitalization trend, comprising both hardware and software elements. In addition to the technical presentations and market over- views, an interesting end user application was detailed by end user Derek Thoma of Hop Valley Brewing, a Miller/Coors company. Day three began with a review of new IPC products and emerging technologies on the horizon from Siemens, fol- lowed by more intense product and software breakout work- shops, tagged the Wisdom Series by the event coordinators. Finally, day four offered direct consultation from the Siemens product specialists gathered at the event. In addition, those interested in becoming a WinCC Specialist were offered the opportunity to take their certification test during the event. Siemens Digital Factory (DF) usa.siemens.com/automation Presenters at the event (starting from left): Russell Barnes, Johann Strobl, Bernd Staufer, Kevin Lewis, Michael Steigberger, Thorsten Julich, Bernd Raithel Innovative Cast Line for the Production of CPP Film At the beginning of this year AMUT GROUP presented one of the first cast film lines fromACP series for the production of CPP film. This line, 2100 mm width, has been specifically designed for the production of film with smooth surface for general pur- poses and for the production of film with embossed surface for stationery applications, such as folders for documents. The chill roll group consists of main and secondary chill roll. In order to be able to produce both type of the CPP film surfaces, the line is equipped with two different chill rolls. The roll fast change system enables the exchange of the main chill roll from one to another type in extremely short time. This line is considered a flagship project in this field also for having a 4-layer multi manifold die which allows an extremely accurate distribution of the layers by using 4 extruders. Depression air blade Mod. DV™ is installed behind the extru- sion die to change the position of the die towards chill roll as well as the film chill roll touching angle and to eliminate com- pletely orange-peel defect. DV™ air blade unit has very small surface for air sucking, so smaller sucking surface on the same vacuum force increases the vacuum level, thus drastically re- ducing the quantity of waxes condensation on chill roll, for better refrigeration, haze and gloss of the film and cleaning action on the chill-roll. The independent rotary arm type winder is equipped with an innovative in-line cutting system for the production of finished rolls without any reduction of maximumwinding diameter even