Extrusion International 2-2024

9 Extrusion International 2/2024 customer relations, we’re also able to establish new contacts at Fakuma and generate orders, from which we benefit as a company. And not least of all, we greatly appreciate Faku- ma’s unique charm!” Efficiency will be a key topic at Fakuma 2024 – on sev - eral levels and from a variety of perspectives. Increased efficiency in terms of materials and energy consumption is crucial, as are process efficiency and the efficient opera - tion of production systems, because in light of the current shortages of qualified personnel, consistently high levels of quality can only be achieved reliably with easy-to-use con- trol systems and digital assistance. As a result of the new Energy Efficiency Act, German plastics processors will be challenged to a much greater extent to realise their full potential. Fakuma exhibitors will provide tools and solu- tions for the challenges of efficiency, the conservation of resources and sustainability. The overall focus of Fakuma is thus on digitalisation, au- tomation, flexibility, energy efficiency and sustainability. The establishment of closed-loop material flows, product optimisation targeted at recycling and the processing of re- cyclates for high-end applications will also be at the top of the agenda in 2024. Surface. Geometry. All-In-One. Inline Quality Inspection of Extruded Products www.pixargus.com 10176 International Boulevard, Cincinnati, OH 45246 (USA) VISIT US: W6792 in West Building Level 2 Fakuma is advancing a significant development: ho - listic product conceptualisation and the promotion of recycling and degradability. Design for recycling – this goal is taking shape to an ever-greater extent. Future- proof solutions for packaging, recycling compounds and alternatives to metal are therefore just as much in focus at the trade fair as machines for grinding and crushing, cooling systems and energy-efficient mould temperature control technology, systems for process monitoring and data acquisition, as well as innova- tions from the field of industrial 3D printing. The in - creasing use of renewable instead of fossil-based raw materials will be a further topic for discussion as well. P. E. SCHALL GmbH & Co. KG www.fakuma-messe.de Gold Sustainability Rating by EcoVadis Maintained Orion announced it has maintained a Gold medal rating from EcoVadis and ranks among the top 2%of the com- panies assessed by the organization in a wide range of sustainability ar- eas. Orion improved its score from the previous year, moving up from 77% to 78% by making significant gains in the areas of sustainable procure- ment and ethics, according to EcoVadis, one of the world’s largest providers of business sustainabil- ity ratings. “The annual progress Orion is making in the EcoVadis as- sessments is just another example of how committed we are to being a trusted partner for all our stakeholders and becoming an even more sustainable company,” Orion CEO Corning Painter said. Over the past year, Orion has achieved several sustain- ability milestones. The most notable achievements include the completion of a series of four projects, with a total cost of more than $300 million, that involved installing technology that is substantially reducing emissions at Orion’s U.S. plants. The company also continues to be a leader in developing circular products and recently received €6.4 million in fund- ing from the German government and European Union to further develop technology to improve the production of carbon black using circular feedstocks. Orion S.A. orioncarbons.com