Extrusion International 3-2024

10 Extrusion International 3/2024 INDUSTRY NEWS Customer Proximity Fostered  GINDUMAC is expanding its platform technology with the new myGINDUMAC customer portal. The com- pany's aim is to make the entire process of selling and purchasing machines more transparent, efficient, and digital. In the current version, customers can track their proj - ects online and are informed about project progress and incoming payments in real time via status messag- es. The customer portal is integrated into the existing online platform and is accessible for registered users. In addition to project management features, the per - sonalized user accounts allow input processes on the platform, in sales and quotation requests, to be carried out with higher convenience. Benedikt Ruf, Co-CEO of GINDUMAC: "With myGIN - DUMAC, we are using digital technology to create a new level of customer proximity that simultaneously creates transparency and increases efficiency. By intro - ducing the customer portal, we are visibly underlining our claim to make transaction management in the pur- chase and sale of used machines as simple as possible." As a technology-driven company, GINDUMAC pur - sues a minimum viable product strategy. For the launch of the customer portal, the used machinery dealer is focusing on a beta version that will be gradually devel- oped with new features in line with customer feedback. The plan for 2024 is to map the entire process chain for users, from machine evaluation to purchase and logis - tics processing through to project completion. Daniel Kaiser, Co-CEO of GINDUMAC: "Global trans - actions with used machines are complex. We make this complexity simple for our customers. With myGINDU- MAC, we now have the right tool to ensure that digital and personal communication in project management can be even more customer-centric." Access to myGINDUMAC is currently available to se- lected customers and will be open for all customer seg- ments with new functionalities from initial contact to project completion in the course of 2024. GINDUMAC www.gindumac.com www.gindumac.com/my With the myGINDUMAC customer portal, GINDUMAC optimizes transparency and efficiency in the transaction management of used machines Co-founder Passed Away  Herrmann Ultraschall mourns the loss of Ingeborg Herrmann, who died on April 25. In addition to her defining role in the devel- opment of the family business, she was characterized by her exempla- ry local charity. Ingeborg Herrmann has been responsible for office manage- ment and financial accounting for 40 years: from a small start-up to a world market leader in ultrasonic welding, she has accompanied and shaped the history of Herrmann Ultraschall. Together with her husband Wal- ter Herrmann, she founded the company in 1961. Her firm belief in the company's vision, especial - ly in the difficult early years with no financial reserves and a barely known technology, has always been a cornerstone. With growing success, she felt the need to give something back to society. This is why she established the charitable Walter and Ingeborg Herrmann Foundation in the early 2000s. The promotion of education was particularly important to her throughout her life. This manifest- ed itself in her significant involve - ment in the founding of a Christian secondary school in Pforzheim, Germany, which began operating as “Ingeborg Herrmann School” in September 2022, carrying on her legacy. With the passing of Ingeborg Herrmann, the company and the entire region have lost an outstand- ing personality who enriched the lives of those around her through her philanthropy. Her husband Wal- ter Herrmann, son and CEO Thom - as Herrmann, daughter Sabine Herrmann-Brauss and the entire staff mourn her loss and will honor her memory. Herrmann Ultraschalltechnik GmbH & Co. KG www.herrmannultraschall.com Ingeborg Herrmann (Photo: Herrmann Ultraschalltechnik GmbH & Co. KG)