Extrusion International 3-2024

8 Extrusion International 3/2024 INDUSTRY NEWS DKT 2024: The Catalyst for the Industry  From July 1st to 4th, 2024, the DKT 2024 will once again open its doors in Nuremberg after two years. Under the patronage of the German Rubber Society (Deutsche Kautschuk-Gesellschaft), this event, consisting of a scientific conference, a trade exhibition, and a diverse pro - gram, promises to be a highlight for the rubber and elastomer industry. The conference of DKT 2024 prom- ises to be a forum for knowledge exchange and innovation. With an extensive program of over 140 pre- sentations from 16 countries and 10 renowned keynote speakers, the lat - est developments, and trends from Circular Economy toAutomation and Future Mobility will be presented. Special forums such as the TPE Ses- sion and the Educational Symposium provide a platform for in-depth dis- cussions and knowledge exchange. The trade exhibition, spanning an area of 7,700 m², hosts over 250 companies from the rubber and elas- tomer industry. These companies showcase their products and inno- vations at the exhibition grounds in Nuremberg. A particular highlight is the Chinese Pavilion in Hall 8, which underscores the international diver- sity of the event. The Science Cam- pus offers a unique opportunity to explore research works and results from renowned institutions. The framework program of DKT 2024 begins with a special kick-off: the traditionalWelcome BBQEvening in the Messepark. This evening serves not only as a welcome for all partici- pants but also provides a relaxed at- mosphere for informal conversations and networking to prepare for the upcoming days of the conference and trade exhibition. The Welcome BBQ Evening is a key part of the program, offering participants an opportunity to connect and exchange ideas. In addition to this introductory evening, DKT 2024 features a diverse framework program that includes various award ceremonies. These include recognition for outstanding individuals and innovative products, as well as the Best of Party, which acknowledges the outstanding achievements of exhibitors and stu- dents alike. Additionally, the Recruit - ing Day provides companies with the opportunity to meet potential tal- ents and introduce themselves. www.dkt2024.de PETCORE EUROPE Therforming Conference 2024 25 – 26 June 2024-05-06 Granada / Spain www.petcore-europe.org Fachpack 24 - 26 September 2024 Nuremberg / Germany www.fachpack.de Plast Eurasia 2024 04 - 07 December 2024 Istanbul / Turkey plasteurasia.com Solids Dortmund 09 - 10 October 2024 Dortmund / Germany www.solids-dortmund.de Fakuma 2024 15 - 19 October 2024 Friedrichshafen / Germany www.fakuma-messe.de ICE Europe 2025 11 - 13March 2025 Munich / Germany www.ice-x.com PLASTIMAGEN 11 – 14March 2025 Mexico City / Mexico www.plastimagen.com.mx/es K 2025 08 - 15 October 2025 Düsseldorf / Germany www.k-online.de interpack 2026 07 - 13May 2026 Düsseldorf / Germany www.interpack.de Interplas 2026 02 - 04 June 2026 Birmingham / United Kingdom www.interplasuk.com