Extrusion International 4-2023

29 Extrusion International 4/2023 Change in the Management After almost 40 years with the company, 19 of them as chief sales officer for the company’s three di - visions, Hermann Adrigan took his retirement on March 31, 2023. He is succeeded, on April 1, 2023, by Harald Neumüller, who has been working in the Starlinger sales de- partment since 2013. "We would like to thank Hermann Adrigan for his services to our com- pany. He played a key role in the success of our business in the last two decades," says Starlinger own- er and Managing Partner Angelika Huemer, expressing her apprecia- tion for him. “With Harald Neumül- ler, the next generation takes over now. He will take on the current challenges and bring in new ideas.” “A key topic that Starlinger has taken up and promoted in the last years is sustainable plastic packag- ing and the corresponding recycling solutions for a functioning circular economy. I would like to push this even further," said Harald Neumül- ler, specifying one of his goals. “In many areas, plastics are simply the best solution. Unfortunately, what is only slowly gaining momentum is the responsible usage of plastics. We incorporate our long-standing experience in plastics recycling into the development of our packaging solutions to make them sustainable and easy to recycle. Our customers know that they are not just buy- ing a Starlinger machine – they are investing in European technology, concepts and overall solutions for resource-saving production in the future.” Starlinger & Co Ges.m.b.H. www.starlinger.com As of April 2023, Harald Neumüller is the new CSO of Starlinger & Co Gesellschaft m.b.H. (©Starlinger) and its employees. Originating in a garage in Ehningen, the small company founded by Wilfried Ens- inger in 1966 has grown into an in- ternational corporate group that is one of the global leaders in the processing of high-performance plastics. At the beginning of his career, Wilfried Ensinger completed an apprenticeship to become a tool- maker and took his master crafts- man’s examination. Subsequently he worked as an operations and factory manager in different com- panies that specialised in mechani- cal engineering, precision me- chanics and the plastics processing industry. He completed a part-time course of study with the degrees Industrial Engineer and Diploma Engineer. With the aim of producing qual- ity stock shapes and machine components from the engineer- ing plastics that were emerging in the sixties, Wilfried Ensinger launched his own company in Ehningen. Transferring the com- pany headquarters to Nufringen allowed the company to expand its production capacities. A short time later, the production of com- ponents through the machining of stock shapes began. A second production plant built in Cham in 1980 enabled the series manufac- ture of profiles and other product lines. What today is the corporate group’s biggest subsidiary was established in the USA in 1986. In the years that followed, numerous additional overseas branches were set up in Europe, South America and Asia. Wilfried Ensinger never rested on his laurels. Constant develop- ment of products and production processes and the cultivation of employee potential were his guid- ing principles right from the start. In 1997 he handed over the opera- tional management to the second generation and increased his in- volvement in community and social projects. The Wilfried and Martha Ensinger Foundation, which he and his wife created, sponsors so- cial, cultural and scientific institu- tions at home and abroad. In his capacity as president and later honorary president of the Böblingen District Chamber of Commerce and Industry he pro- vided key impetus for commit- tee reform and for improving in- company training. The University of Stuttgart conferred the title of honorary senator on the father of four. In 2005, Wilfried Ensinger was awarded Germany’s Federal Cross of Merit and two years ago, the town of Rottenburg am Neck- ar made him an honorary citizen. Ensinger GmbH ensingerplastics.com