Extrusion International 4-2023

34 Extrusion International 4/2023 EXTRUSION TOOLING An Ode to the Green Factory of the Future Bausano will be present at PLAST in Milan with an exclusive exhibi- tion that perfectly interprets its three distinctive values: tradition, innovation and respect for the en- vironment, for a journey that cel- ebrates sustainable extrusion in all its forms. The stand design con- cept is a combination of noble ma- terials and multimedia contribu- tions, in which outdoor and indoor spaces merge to guide visitors into a green factory, where nature and industry coexist. "The birch tree symbolises re- silience, versatility, perseverance, adaptability and tenacity. These are all characteristics that distin- guish us," says Bausano Vice Presi- dent Clemente, who continues, "A symbol that is perfectly in line with our sustainable growth strategy, which sees the company actively engaged in quantifying the envi- ronmental footprint of its process- es, products and services, in order to reduce emissions and promote a more rational use of natural re- sources such as water and energy, for the benefit of future genera- tions.” A four-day event in which Bausa- no will present the following tech- nologies: the E-GO 60/37 extruder for PP/PE pipes, equipped with a head for the production of single- layer 250 mm diameter pipes, with IPC (Internal Pipe Air Cooling) in- cluded, and the MD118/30 series with induction system and dual outlet head for the produc- tion of PVC pipes. The E-GO 60/37 is equipped with a loss-in-weight gravimetric dos- ing system: a plus that allows com- plete control of production, for fi- nal outputs of excellent standards. Compared to a standard volume- ter, it is self-calibrating and allows the weight of material processed by the extruder to be measured in real time, sending continuous feedback to the Digital Extruder Control 4.0 (PLC). The latter deter- mines the rotational speed of the screw, depending on the chang- es in the material flow and the mass detected, while keeping the weight/metre of the pipe constant. In this way, Bausano lines allow each metre of pipe to be extrud- ed to predefined specifications. Further distinguishing features of the EGO 60/37 are the IP23-rated, three-phase asynchronous, low power consumption AC motor, di- rectly coupled to the three-stage gearbox with ground helical gears, bimetallic screws and rifled mouth cylinder, guaranteeing maximum resistance to wear. The innovative extruder is also characterised by its screw geometries, specifically designed according to the custom- er's requirements and the variety of polymers processed, for high output in terms of Kg/h, without excessive mechanical stress. The E-GO 60/37 extruder is equipped with a 250 single-layer head with Internal Pipe Air Cooling (IPC). A technology that, thanks to air flows in the opposite direction to the extrusion, cools the pipes in- tensively, uniformly and all round, directly in the extrusion head, for superior productivity, fin- ished product quality and energy efficiency. With its compact design, it requires little space in the line instal- lation process and, thanks to the IPC, is also reduced in length. A highlight among Bausano's innovations is the MD118/30 Nextmover in which the patent- pending Smart Energy System technology meets the need for more sustainable and efficient plastic extrusion processes. It is an induction system for heating the cylinder, without contact and by means of an alternating elec- tromagnetic field, which not only significantly reduces component wear for a longer machine life cy- cle, but also cuts energy consump- tion by 35%. Made of carbon steel and chrome-plated surfaces, the dou- ble outlet head on display, fully thermoregulating both externally and internally, completes the ex- trusion line for PVC pipes, based on the MD Nextmover range of ex- truders offered by Bausano. Thanks to the optimisation of in- ternal head volumes and compres- sion ratios, a high throughput of up to 2000kg/h can be achieved, with temperatures and melt pres- sures significantly lower than stan- dard. Bausano www.bausano.com PLAST 2023: Hall 13, Booth 41/42