Extrusion International 4-2023

38 Extrusion International 4/2023 of Moretto's business strategy. The continuous evolutions of the mod- ern world, combined with the need to provide customers with a quick response, have accelerated the need to possess digital tools to fur- ther improve the service. The after- sales service is a real commitment to customers for Moretto and this is why the company guarantees it worldwide, through trained techni- cians and specialists. A high level of service is also guaranteed by the use of automated warehouses, man- agement software and online plat- forms that allow a real-time resolu- tion of ongoing issues. Part of the process of digital evolu- tion and service improvement is QR Code project, which aims to provide customers with some useful infor- mation by supporting them from the very first stages of their purchase. Its functioning is simple and intuitive: using the mobile phone and fram- ing the QR Code on the machine, the user can access a series of services with high added value, such as use- ful information on the machine, tu- torial videos, the list of recommend- ed spare parts and much more. Sustainability as a Strategic Driver of Development The adoption of a production ap- proach based on circular economy principles has steered the activities of theMoretto group over the years. Sustainability and energy saving are an established part of the com- pany philosophy and are developed through technologies that take into account the needs of customers, but also the environment and the com- munity in which we live. With the aim of reduce its envi- ronmental impact, the company has chosen to use only energy from renewable sources in its plants, as evidenced by its participation in Do- lomiti Energia's '100% clean energy' project. The growing interest around these issues has led Governments and Institutions around the world to rethink the use of plastics, pro- moting practices and regulations that allow their reuse within a new production process. The plastics sec- tor is making important steps for- ward on this issue, and Moretto also makes its contribution every day by trying to provide solutions that re- duce the use of raw materials from exhaustible resources. The develop- ment of equipments suitable for re- cycling is not only a duty for plastics processors, but also a necessity for customers who demand solutions suitable for both virgin materials and those with high percentages of recycled material. Some of the Innovations at PLAST On the occasion of Plast 2023, Moretto will participate with a stand of 400 sqm. The Plast exhibi- tion will be an opportunity to show- case some of the most innovative solutions dedicated to plastics pro- cessing in the world. Dehumidification is one of Moret - to's strategic segments, thanks to solutions that over the years have satisfied the most demanding cus - tomers by combining high technical performance with low energy con- sumption. These requirements find their maximum expression in X COMB, the latest addition to the range of dehumidifiers that immediately met the needs of processors thanks to its compact dimensions, which make it suitable for treating small quanti- ties of highly hygroscopic technical polymers. A highly energy-efficient product that is an ideal solution for production-intensive sectors such as medical, optics and electronics. Very often small details can de- termine the success of a dehu- midification process, where even a small amount of no-dried polymer can compromise the quality of the final moulding. Moisture Meter was created with the intention to completely eliminate this problem, thanks to its ability to detect the percentage of residual moisture in the polymer without the need for off-line sampling. Moisture Meter is able to provide the operator in real time with the moisture value of the plastic granule after drying, allow- ing the operator to fix the situation if the resin has not been properly treated, "saving" the transforma- tion process. Different versions are PLAST 2023 The digitalization process started by Moretto is bringing enormous benefits to the after-sales service The themes of sustainability and respect for the environment have always been two distinctive elements that characterize Moretto's modus operandi