Extrusion International 4-2023

45 Extrusion International 4/2023 proving its filtration technologies in order to meet and satisfy the needs (ever increasing quality needs, differ- ent materials characteristics) of recyclers, and expand- ing its technology to applications that previously did not require the use of continuous scraping melt filters such as, precisely, PET. FIMIC has already installed two units (RAS-type filters) on PET recycling lines to work with more contaminated PET waste streams, i.e. not coming from hot-washed bottle flakes only, such as for example PET lumps from petrochemical waste or from strapping production, waste fibers as well as PET straps. In these cases the con - tamination of the input material was way higher than the typical “ppm” contaminations used for food grade applications, reaching levels as high as 5%. The benefits and the advantages of a continuous scraping filtration were significant. Dedicated to different end applica - tions, these filter units are working with an excellent performance and great quality results in both cases: as a pre-filter in the first project (applied filtration is 150 or 120 micron on laser screen) and as the only filtration step in the second one (applied filtration is 80 micron on laser screen). The respective output performances are 2.000 kg/h and 700 kg/h, at very different and some- times inconsistent iV levels. At the same time, FIMIC has increased the amount of units installed for the recycling of soft PVC and, also in this case FIMIC melt filters are confirmed to be a win - ning choice due to the sensitivity of the PVC during the recycling process, as it allows the material to flow with - out stagnating and therefore without degrading. Most recently, FIMIC has been testing an alternative solution to be applied to hard PVC which we know is one of the most degradation-sensitive as well as the stiffest mate- rial in the recycling market. The continuous research for innovation and passion for improvement keep FIMIC constantly growing and developing innovative technologies and tailored solu- tions in an increasingly demanding market to achieve its mission worldwide: the protection of the environment through the proper recycling of plastic and its optimal reuse. FIMIC SRL Via Ospitale, 44, 35010 Carmignano di Brenta (PD), Italy www.fimic.it