Extrusion International 4-2023

46 Extrusion International 4/2023 PIPE EXTRUSION PVC-O Pipes and Fittings – A More Sustainable Life Cycle for Water Piping Systems Nowadays, there is a global concern about the depletion of resources that human activity is creating on the planet. Among the objectives to avoid a climate disaster is to achieve a completely sustainable society by 2030, and to achieve this, the implementation of a strategy that promotes the Circular Economy is key. In the fulfillment of this objective, in addition to citizens, companies and government entities must also participate, joining this change of management model to contribute to the correct sustainable development of the planet and ensure the future of the next generations. C ontrary to the demonization to which they are sub- jected in society, plastic materials have been con- sidered as one of the priority and strategic products in the achievement of the objectives of a more sustainable development in multiple sectors. Their implementation has brought about a revolution that has improved man- ufacturing performance while reducing emissions and creating longer-lasting products that do not damage the ecosystem through deterioration. The plastics industry has been developing new materi- als and optimizing its manufacturing processes to reduce its carbon footprint for years. Molecor has implemented these values in its work philosophy since its conception and this has allowed the development of unique and revolutionary technology for PVC orientation using air instead of water, a new solution for the creation of more resistant and sustainable piping networks. Molecor in the form of SDGs One of the ways to show how the company's efforts help achieve a greener future is through its actions to achieve several of the Sustainable Development Goals set forth by the United Nations, a universal call to pro- tect the planet and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The company's most direct contribution is related to SDG 6 "Ensure availability and sustainable management of clean water and sanitation for all". TOM ® pipes and ecoFITTOM ® fittings always guarantee the quality of wa - ter channeled for different uses, making water resources available to many impoverished societies and ensuring that not a single drop is lost during transport. In addition, their improved characteristics make it possible to create the necessary infrastructures for water supply faster and guarantee a service life of more than 100 years. It is also noteworthy that, both in the manufacture and in the use of the products, an active contribution is made to SDG 7 "Energy", due to the very high energy efficiency of the production process and the use of renewable en- ergies. Molecor maintains a strong commitment to the consumption and responsible use of energy, thanks both to its highly energy-efficient production process and to the recent increase in the percentage of energy use from renewable resources. During the production of TOM ® pipes and ecoFITTOM ® fittings, energy from photovol - taic systems is used, supplying one of the company's pro- duction plants with more than 1,400,000 kWh per year. The development and introduction to the market of new products, such as TOM ® PVC-O pipes with a nomi- nal diameter of 1200 mm, which help to bring water to where it is needed, also contributes to the fulfillment of SDG 9 "Industry and Innovation" and SDG 12 "Respon- sible Production and Consumption" with the applica- tion of Circular Economy criteria in manufacturing, such as, for example, the continuous reuse of materials. Since Molecor reprocesses practically all the rejected material and by-products of the production process (internal re- cycling or reprocessing) in the manufacture of new pipes and fittings. Additionally, due to the lower CO 2 emissions to the atmosphere, the environmental footprint is reduced, and the implementation of the Operation Clean Sweep voluntary program, which aims to avoid the involuntary loss of pellets to the environment, the company contrib- utes effectively to the goals: SDG 13 "Climate Action", SDG 14 " Life below water" and SDG 15 "Life on land".