Extrusion International 4-2023

8 Extrusion International 4/2023 INDUSTRY NEWS PLAST 2023 05 - 08 September 2023 Milan / Italy www.plastonline.org SCHWEISSEN& SCHNEIDEN 11 - 15 September 2023 Essen / Germany www.schweissen-schneiden.com T-PLAS 20 – 23 September 2023 Bangkok / Thailand www.tplas.com Chemical Recycling Europe (CRE) 21 - 22 September 2023 Brussels / Belgium www.polymercomplyeurope.eu wire Southeast Asia Tube Southeast Asia 20 - 22 September 2023 Bangkok / Thailand www.wire-southeastasia.com www.tube-southeastasia.com POWTECH 26 - 28 September 2023 Nuremberg / Germany www.powtech.de Interplas 26 - 28 September 2023 Burmingham / UK interplasuk.com Central Asia Plast World 28 – 30 September 2023 Almaty / Kasachstan www.k-globalgate.com/en/Global_ Portfolio/Central_Asia_Plast_World/ Fakuma 2023 17 - 21 October 2023 Friedrichshafen / Germany www.fakuma-messe.de SPE Thermoforming Conference 2023 24 - 26 October 2023 Cleveland, Ohio / USA https://thermoformingdivision.com K 2025 Kick-Off The first meeting of the Exhibitors’ Council is also the kick-off meeting for K 2025, which will take place from 8 until 15 October, 2025 in Düssel- dorf. The panel of experts assembled to discuss the plans concerning the most important fair for the interna- tional plastics and rubber industry. The Exhibitors’ Council assists Messe Düsseldorf with its preparations in the run-up to K 2025 and provides consultancy on basic conceptual and organisatorial matters. Comprised of representatives from exhibiting industrial segments and from impor- tant industrial associations, the coun- cil covers the entire range of products and services presented at K 2025 – machine and plant engineering, plastics and rubber raw material and auxiliary production as well as the production of semi-finished products and industrial components made from plastics and rubber. Ulrich Reifenhäuser, Chairman of the Management Board of the Rei- fenhäuser Group and Chairman of the VDMA plastics and rubber ma- chinery association, will retain his position as Chairman of the Exhibi- tors’ Council. Thorsten Kühmann, Director of the VDMA plastics and rubber machinery association, will retain his position as head of the communication committee. The Exhibitors’ Council K 2025 Düsseldorf is comprised of the fol- lowing other members: Marc Gregor Baier (BBP Kunst- stoffwerk Marbach Baier GmbH), Ingemar Bühler (PlasticsEurope Deutschland e.V.), Siamak Djafar- ian (Röhm GmbH), Boris Engelhardt (wdk – Wirtschaftsverband der deutschen Kautschukindustrie e.V.), Dr. Stefan Engleder (ENGEL AUSTRIA GmbH), Dr. Guiscard Glück (BASF SE), Manfred Hackl (EREMA Engineer- ing Recycling), Dr. Christian Haessler (COVESTRO Deutschland AG), Juliane Hehl (Arburg GmbH & Co. KG), Matthias Lesch (Pöppelmann GmbH & Co. KG), Gerd Liebig (Sumitomo Demag), Dr. Oliver Möllenstädt (GKV Gesamtverband Kunststoffverarbeitende Industrie e.V.), Eric Schönel (SIMONA AG), Peter Steinbeck (Windmöller & Hölscher KG), Dr. Axel Tuchlenski (Envalior), Dr. Axel von Wiedersperg (Brückner Group SE), Michael Wittmann (Wittmann Technology GmbH). For a review of K 2022 with High- light Tours, videos featuring the Specials and exhibitor interviews click here: 
www.k-online.com/review From left: Ulrich Reifenhäuser (Chairman of the K 2025 Exhibitors’ Council), Petra Cullmann (Executive Director Messe Düsseldorf), Erhard Wienkamp (Managing Director Messe Düsseldorf), Thomas Franken (Projekt Director Messe Düsseldorf)