Extrusion International 5-2017

28 Extrusion International 5/2017 FILM EXTRUSION - The durability and recyclability of the endproduct. Plastics are du- rable materials, since they do not rust or corrode. Con s equen t l y , PVC-O pipes, used for different ap- plications such as water supply, ir- rigation, sewage, etc., can last over 50 years. But in addition to this, PVC-O i100% re- cyclable material, maintaining the same properties after the recycling process as the ini- tial material. It can therefore be reintroduced into the PVC-O pipe production or used in many other applications (packaging, cable sheath- ing, etc.). - The reduction of CO 2 emissions in all energy-con- suming activi- ties along its lifecycle: i.e. extraction of raw material; processing of raw material; production of pipes; product transportation and installa- tion; product use and waste. PVC-O manu- facture sup- poses a 33% re- duction of CO 2 emissions in relation to duc- tile iron emis- sions. PVC-O pipes manufactured with the technology developed by Molecor are the most ecological solution currently available on the market with the highest de- gree of energy efficiency throughout its whole service life. In the following table we can see in detail the dif- ferent advantages presented by the PVC-O fittings ecoFITTOM ® . This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 756698 www.molecor.com PERFORMANCE SAVINGS Plastic solutions: System with non-discontinuity, ensure water tightness, diminution of breakages, leakages and failures in comparison to other systems. Water quality: ecoFITTOM ® is immune to corrosion and to chemical attacks from micro and macro organisms. The quality of the conveyed fluid remains unaltered, in compli- ance with health standards for water´s human consumption. Water hammer reduction up to four times less than other materials. Higher hydraulic capacity. PVC-O piping systems have between 15% and 40%more hydraulic capacity than sys- tems with pipes made of other materials and with the same external diameter. Molecular Orientation process makes possible to manu- facture PVC-O pipes with a greater internal diameter and flow section. Raw material savings. The ex- cellent mechanical properties of PVC-O enable a significant reduction on the use of raw material compared to other products with the same physi- cal requirements, reaching important material savings. The petrol consumption need- ed to manufacture the raw material is, therefore, lower than for other plastic conduits. The energy consumption needed in the manufacturing process is slightly lower than other PVC-O pipe manufactur- ing processes and considerably lower than other plastic pipes. No protection or coating is needed vs iron. Non heavy machinery is required, being this necessary only for diameters bigger than DN315 mm. High savings in production, installation and maintenance processes. ENVIRONMENTAL INSTALLATION Sustainability. ecoFITTOM ® preserve the environment con- sidering aspects such as en- ergy saving or sustainable use of natural resources, among others. More than 50% of PVC resin is made out of chlorine, derived from common salt, which significantly contributes to non-renewal resources savings. Product environmental footprint. The best known environmental parameter is the Carbon Footprint; TOM ® pipes system has the eco-label Environmental Footprint FVS Seal. PVC is chemically inert, immune to corrosion, or microorganism attacks, main- taining the water quality for human consumption without the migration or oxidation problems that other materials have. 100% recyclable. It can be re- used not only for new piping production, but for urban fur- niture, road safety elements, window profiles, soundproof- ing panels… PVC-O pipes produce the low- est CO 2 emissions throughout their life cycle compared to other piping solutions. Lightness. PVC-O pipes system is lighter and easier to install in comparison with other ma- terials, since no machinery is required to handle them. It is between six and twelve times lighter than ductile iron. Ductility. PVC-O´s excellent elasticity allows the recovering of its initial shape even after being crashed or hit during its manipulation, eliminating risks of breakages or cracks and en- suring optimum performance once is buried. Joints Plug-in system. The ef- ficient socket design provides a robust rubber sealing ring and faster connection be- tween pipes and fittings; the plug-in limit mark facilitates installation and ensures their correct assembly. Durability of the PVC-O against degradation prevents leakage of channeled water and ensures a useful life of over 50 years versus other materials 30 year useful life. Easy assembly since there is on need of welded union. Its weight allows higher performance and installation speed compared to the rest of materials.