Extrusion International 5-2017

32 Extrusion International 5/2017 EXTRUSION PERYPHERY weight control. The mixing action is improved and the hemispherical form of the mixer prevents any pellet stagnation. Quantum E guarantees the consistent quality of the final ex- trusion in terms of composition and characteristics. Quantum E can be configured both for single extrusion lines and for co- extrusion. In the co-extrusion config- uration, the Quantum E dosing and control system adjusts the flow rate of each individual extruder. Managing each parameter in real time thanks to an advanced control system The use of Quantum E is simple and intuitive: control is achieved through a latest-generation PLC system, while a new HMI allows the operator to view the running of the process and all the operating parameters in real time. Any measurements and adjust- ments can bemade directly and quick- ly. The Quantum E control, available in 11 languages, guarantees extreme flexibility in customisation. The advanced control provided by Quantum E was developed by Piovan and acts in accordance with a new algorithm for the calibration of dos- ing stations. It allows management of a 1 - 11 layer system and guaran- tees maximum accuracy of the blend right from the first batch: there is no waste of material, not even during calibration, since the dosing unit en- sures that the pellet mix is precisely as desired. It is a control that allows maximum personalization and flex- ibility, operating through various data exchange standards (Ethernet, Profibus), to configure and use the dosing unit, adapting it to the plant’s production needs and the type of extruder. The extrusion line is con- trolled by a 7” or 15” colour touch panel, from which it is possible to monitor the plant’s productivity pa- rameters and the weight/metre of the film. A second 4” panel, also a colour touch screen, is dedicated to configuring the machine according to the customer’s operational needs. QuantumE can be controlled remote- ly through a normal network connec- tion, and is ready for complete inte- gration withWinfactory 4.0 , the new Piovan software release for supervis- ing production processes conceived for the Smart Factory. Winfactory 4.0 allows complete plant management and accurate measurement of mate- rial and energy consumption. Thanks to the OPC-UA protocol, Winfactory 4.0 establishes communication be- tween the production, distribution and information structure, allowing complete interchangeability of data and the management of equipment and processes via mobile devices, so it is possible to control virtually every parameter in real time. Quality of construction The quality of the new Piovan dosing system is also evident from the out- side: an industrial cabinet guarantees full protection of the components and sturdy casing protects the mo- tor. The strength of the construction is reflected in the machine’s stability, which does not produce interference in the extrusion phase and can oper- ate for 24 hours even under difficult environmental conditions. Quantum E has been subjected to EMC electromagnetic compatibility tests in accordance with EN 61000-6- 1,2,3,4 and Climatic Chamber Tests at Eurotest laboratories in accordance with EN 60068-2-2 with temperature profiles of 40°C - 50°C and humidity from 50% to 93%. Energy saving and safety Quantum E complies with the latest safety and consumption regulations; for more reliable and simple main- tenance, it is equipped with high- efficiency motors that use 30% less energy than previous models. Configurations To satisfy any extrusion application, Quantum E is available in three mod- els - QE200 – QE600 – QE1200 - with different initial configurations: • for capacity - from 50 to 1200 kg/h - according to the model, all with the ability to natively control up to 8 dos- ing stations; • available with integrated control to manage both the speed of the ex- truder and the winding speed of the film. Piovan S.p.A. www.piovan.com Dosing station