Extrusion International 6-2016

15 Extrusion International 6/2016 HDPE and LDPE. Tadashi Gion states “JSW has the most delivery experience, more than any other extruder manu- factures, for polyolefin applica-tions like LLDPE/HDPE and LDPE in Iran”. Presentation of latest technology developments is a major theme of the seminar, where JSWwill focus on large polyole- fin and more specialized TEX smaller compounding extrud- ers (the latter down to 25 mm screw diameter) and its new technical center in Dusseldorf, Germany, SMP on its more general TEK extruders (generally not exceeding 100 mm screw diameter). For its part, JSW will emphasize high throughput, trou- ble-free economical processing and environmental as- pects in its presentation, as “hallmarks of its cutting edge technology”. It is all part of JSW’s ‘monozukuri’ corpo- rate value of achieving excellence in manufacturing, “the prime element in JSW’s DNA”. This results in outstanding products, innovative solutions and always providing su- perb service. A feeding equipment producer has also been lined up to talk about its equipment. Further presentations are planned - by a producer of plastic materials and liquids handling plants, such conveyors and silos, as well as one by a bagging & pack- ing machinery producer. info_machinery@jsw.co.jp Tadashi Gion, JSW Sales Fakuma 2017 – Materials, Technologies, Tools 25 years of the Fakuma international trade fair for plastics processing are above all 25 years of plastics technologies and the products which result from them, as well as their use in a great variety of consumer goods and industry sectors. But 25 years of the Fakuma are also signifi- cantlymore than twodecades of consistent commitment toplastics and plastics processing, and thus to the acceptance of plastics in a continu- ously and rapidly changing work world and environment. Plastics have been in vogue again as of no later than the (re)discovery of resource conservation, and above all due to the once again increasing substitu- tion of plastics for conventional metallic materials – especially in light of the fact that a great deal has also been done in the area of energy efficiency where the industrial processing of plastics is concerned. Micro injection moulding, 2-component and multi-component pro- cesses, process and functions integration by means of creative tool- ing design, CFRP lightweight engineering and significantly reduced material consumption thanks to design in accordance with actual ap- plication requirements and thin-walled layouts, new dimensions of extrusion precision, thermoforming with previously unknown levels of reproducible accuracy, and finally 3D printing as well as generative/ad- ditive manufacturing to an extent which has been inconceivable until just recently – the world of plastics applications and plastics processing ismore dynamic than ever, which is demonstrated not least of all by the very large number of exhibitors who have registered for Fakuma 2017. Just less than a year before the next Fakuma opens its doors, the inter- national trade fair for plastics processing is in top form and will once again occupy all available exhibition floor space at the ultramodern trade fair centre in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance – as has also been the case in recent years. Fakuma project manager Annemarie Schur with regard to the current bookings and occupancy situation at the exhibition centre: “We’ve already allocated 915,000 square feet of overall floor space and are assuming that we will again have roughly 1700 exhibitors in 2017. Not only will all of the European and global market leaders be on hand – the big players fromAsiawill demonstrate increased presence as well. Numerous mid-sized companies from all of the industrialised nations and emerging countries will also be on hand, so that we’ll be able to present products and services from distributors andmanufacturers from all over the world to the expert visitors.” In addition to the growing electrification of drive units for injection moulding machines, attention will also be focused on the consistent automation of production and material flow, as well as the ability to integrate components, modules, subsystems and equipment into I 4.0 structures at Fakuma 2017. Digitalisation is of course advancing as well in the field of automated plastics processing and is affecting all process steps beginning with CAD and design engineering, through produc- tion, quality assurance, further processing and packaging, right on up to logistics and distribution based on actual requirements. www.fakuma-messe.de/en/fakuma/