Extrusion International 6-2023

39 Extrusion International 6/2023 sible. This allows even smaller orders to be processed efficiently and cost-effectively. At the same time, smart technology reduces the environmental impact by short- ening start-up times and reducing scrap. However, battenfeld-cincinnati not only invests a lot of energy in customer solutions but also focuses on environ- mental protection, sustainability, and efficiency in its own production. The headquarters are currently undergoing reconstruction, and a completely new technical center is being built while operations continue. The company is in- vesting a total of 20 million euros. The roofs of the exist- ing production and administration building were fitted with an efficient photovoltaic system in 2022, which the new technical center will also have. Moreover, also the roofing of the newly planned bicycle parking spaces will soon be used to generate green solar energy. In addition, both the new building and all existing buildings in opera- tion will be connected to the district heating network of Neue Energien Bad Oeynhausen (NEO). These steps will help to save valuable emissions. In doing so, battenfeld- cincinnati is already laying the foundations today to re- main a highly innovative supplier in the extrusion indus- try worldwide and in the future. *The iF DESIGN AWARD, with nearly 11,000 entries from 56 countries last year, stands as one the most prestigious design awards in the world. Owned by the non-profit iF Design Foundation, the award emphasizes design's global impact and ensures impartiality with our professional jury upholding strict screening criteria. battenfeld-cincinnati Bad Oeynhausen/Germany, Vienna/Austria www.battenfeld-cincinnati.com battenfeld-cincinnati location in Vienna/Austria battenfeld-cincinnati location in Bad Oeynhausen/Germany