Extrusion International 6-2023

9 Extrusion International 6/2023 for infrastructure and manufactur- ing industry, and the market poten- tial along the Belt and Road routes is poised for development. The global buyer teamof the show organizer has received positive feedback during their visits to over- seas markets. A number of business associations and companies from various countries and regions have expressed their anticipation and support for CHINAPLAS 2024, and have started organizing delegations to join this annual mega event. Seizing New Opportunities in Chi- na’s Market: Besides the rebound of foreign trade performance, domes- tic demand is also seeing a strong recovery. In recent years, China's manufacturing industry has been striving for high-quality develop- ment, high value-added and smart manufacturing. Among them, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in China, in collabora- tion with relevant departments, has released robust growth plans for ten key industries, including chemi- cals, building materials, automo- biles, light industry, and electronic information manufacturing indus- try etc. It imperatively promotes the application of innovative products such as new energy vehicles, smart home appliances, green building materials in rural areas, high-end medical equipment, and robotics. Shanghai, holding for CHINAPLAS 2024, has released a three year (2023-2025) action plan to promote the high quality development of the city’s manufacturing industries, and strengthen of the manufacturing in- dustry's role in supporting the over- all economic development of the city, accounting for over one-fourth of the regional GDP. The industrial transformation is accelerating, and new impetus is be- coming more prominent. "This year, during our communications with plastics and rubber suppliers, we evi- dently felt that both overseas and lo- cal companies have vast confidence in the Chinese market and are very optimistic about exploring business opportunities in China,” said Ada Leung, General Manager of Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd., the organiz- er of CHINAPLAS. Time to Show-off Innovative Products and Technologies to the World: The immense demand of exhibition booths in CHINAPLAS 2024 shows that the confidence of the plastics and rubber industries has recovered just like the economy does. "Reserving booths, showcas- ing capabilities, capturing business opportunities, and building brand awareness" have become the must- do list of exhibitors to demonstrate their strengths in the post pandemic era. In response to the exhibiting demand from the industry, the exhi- bition area will increase by over 11% compared with the show in 2018 at the same venue in Shanghai. During the expansion of the show, it is expected to have a more diverse range of exhibits in the fair- ground, as well as exhibitors. Inter- national exhibitors are returning to the exhibition enthusiastically and European pavilions are fore- seen to regain their pre-pandemic scale. State-owned enterprises and private companies in China, includ- ing “Professionalization, Refine - ment, Specialization and Innovation (PRSI)” enterprises and “Little Gi- ant” companies, shall shine togeth- er on the stage. These industrial leaders are bringing breakthrough technologies and showcasing limit- less potential for independent inno- vation. The technologies of plastics and rubber industries have evolved rapidly, with its applications contin- uously expanding and developing. With over 4,000 exhibitors, profes- sional trade buyers in different ap- plication sectors will find a variety of advanced and environmentally friendly solutions as well as intel- ligent manufacturing technologies for the exploration of innovation, skill enhancement, efficiency im - provement, and rapid response to market demands. Technological in- novations, serving as the "golden key”, will foster the high-quality de- velopment of the plastics and rub- ber industries. Online Pre-registration is Open: “In 2023, CHINAPLAS has reached a new record high in terms of exhibi- tion area and no. of visitors, giving us great confidence and determina - tion. With the accumulated market demands and expectations for the show, returning to Shanghai means a fresh start and brand-new journey to us. As we enter another crucial year, wewill strive to present a splen- did annual event for the plastics and rubber industries. Look forward to meeting you all in CHINAPLAS 2024 in Shanghai and jointly promoting the high-quality development of the plastics and rubber industries,” said Ms. Leung. For more information or enqui- ries: www.ChinaplasOnline.com