Extrusion International 1-2024-USA

45 Extrusion International 1/2024 tion of vehicle trim products since 2008. At its facilities in Canada the company operates eight PIXARGUS systems to check the quality of their products. For a recent investment in new quality control technology, the supplier again decided in favor of a PIXARGUS ProfilControl 7 Sur - face Shiny Detection system. “The system identifies even the tiniest of flaws in real time,” says PIXARGUS Sales Manager Frohn. He knows: “The system helps our customer to take measures to optimize the out- of-spec rate and minimize the scrap costs as a result.” The functional principle – structured light and smart software The PIXARGUS Shiny Detection module casts a pattern of structured light onto the high-gloss surfaces of the profiles to be inspected. These light patterns showing on the sur- faceof theprofile suppress reflection while creating transitions of bright- ness that allow even extremely small scratches, bubbles or dents to be re- liably detected. The system follows the exact contour of the product and inspects it across its entire width. The field of vision can be modulated to also ensure inspection of the curved areas of metal trims. Inspecting in parallel – inline and at any time PIXARGUS developed this inspec- tion tool as an add-on module to its ProfilControl 7 system. Shiny De - tection can be flexibly switched in whenever necessary to inspect glossy products or products that are glossy in certain areas. A unique solution that makes it possible to also inspect products with surfaces that consist of different materials, e.g. chrome, foil or rubber, in one parallel process and at high line speeds. Thus, the new add-on module for glossy surfaces saves time and money. Pixargus GmbH Industriepark Aachener Kreuz, Monnetstr. 2, 52146 Würselen, Germany www.pixargus.de Whether the classical chrome look or the new, trendy black: The new Shiny Detection inline module from PIXARGUS is the perfect solution to detecting scratches and bubbles on the challenging high- gloss surfaces of vehicle trims (Photo ©PIXARGUS) The PIXARGUS Shiny Detection module casts a pattern of structured light onto the high-gloss surfaces of the profiles to be inspected. These light patterns showing on the surface of the profile allow even extremely small scratches, bubbles or dents to be reliably detected (Photo ©PIXARGUS) www.smart-extrusion.com