Extrusion International 2-2024-USA

33 Extrusion International 3/2022 Flexible Film Recycling Alliance Launched to Improve Recycling Rates, Access, and Education The Plastics Industry Associa- tion (PLASTICS) has announced the Flexible Film Recycling Alliance (FFRA), a new initiative to educate the public on the sustainability and recyclability of flexible plastic film products in the United States. FFRA was created to improve the recycling of flexible film products by working to accelerate recycling rates, access, and education. At a time when many Americans express a lack of confidence re - garding how and where to recycle flexibles, the Flexible Film Recycling Alliance will convene industry rep- resentatives from across the flexible film supply chain to develop solu - tions to address the challenges sur- rounding the recycling of flexible films and bags. The alliance will pri - oritize the following key initiatives: • Operation of a best-in-class plas- tic film recycling directory for use by both consumers and industry. • Consumer education that pro- vides information outlining the best ways to effectively recycle flexible plastic film products. • Promotion of the most respon- sible uses and recycling methods for flexible plastic film products. • Amplification of programming to inform both consumers and poli- cymakers of the sustainability ben- efits of flexible plastic film prod - ucts. “FFRA includes collaborators from across the plastics supply chain and builds off PLASTICS’ suc- cesses, including Recycling is Real and Operation Clean Sweep,” said PLASTICS President and CEO Matt Seaholm. “We’re excited to con- tinue to lead the effort to promote the sustainability and recyclability of plastics.” "Our first priority for the Flexible Film Recycling Alliance is to ensure that consumers know where to re- cycle and feel confident that the materials they correctly dispose of are recycled into new products,” said Patrick Krieger, Vice President of Sustainability at PLASTICS. “To that purpose, we are excited to cre- ate a modern recycling directory with new functionality.” “The Flexible Packaging Asso- ciation is excited to belong to the FFRA, a coalition that will focus on flexible film recycling store drop-off programs, including a much-need- ed sustainable solution to enable consumers to quickly and accurate- ly find the stores that participate,” said Alison Keane, President and CEO of the Flexible Packaging As- sociation. “Consumer education will also be key and with this type of supply chain collaboration, we will be able to make the necessary impact required to promote this valuable collection system.” FFRA members will include rep- resentatives from the full plastics supply chain, as well as like-minded organizations and associations. KFisher@plasticsindustry.org Operational Footprint Expanded CMT Materials, the leading provider of plug-assist ma- terials for the thermoforming industry, is moving its entire operation from Attleboro to larger quarters in Stoughton, Mass., expanding its North American footprint by nearly 50%. CMT Materials will provide further details on the ex- pansion at the upcoming NPE 2024 exhibition May 6-10 in Orlando, Fla. (Booth W-6888). CMT Materials will relocate to the headquarters of its par- ent company, Stoughton-based Globe Composite Solutions, where a 20,000-sq-ft addition was recently completed. CMT is expected to move to the Stoughton site in late summer. The larger facility is expected to bring numerous ben- efits including increased capacity, improved workflow, enhanced climate control capabilities, along with higher processing efficiencies, reduced waste, and sustainability improvements. Overall, the move will help CMT keep pace with global demand for its leading plug-assist material, HYTAC® syntactic foam, according to John Moy, Sales and Marketing Manager for CMT Materials. “We continue to see a steady increase in orders for our copolymer and thermoplastic plug materials,” says Moy. “The company has seen a global increase in new projects, new machinery purchases, and new tooling deliveries.” CMT has enjoyed strong growth in packaging applications for the medical, food, and beverage markets, said Moy. CMT Materials has established an Asian business entity called CMT East Asia, located in Shenzhen, China. The standalone operation has been a major asset, delivering access to new customers, applications, emerging trends, and market insight, said Moy. CMT also recently added a second shift in Attleboro to produce its thermoplastic line of plug assist B1X and XTL products. The added production nearly tripled capacity for CMT Materials’ sheet and rod products. HYTAC ® syntactic foam is used by the majority of tool- makers and thermoforming processors around the world. Thin-gauge thermoformed parts such as drinking cups, cof- fee capsules, fruit trays, barrier trays, horticultural parts, and many more are formed with plug-assisted pre-stretching. HYTAC plugs are designed with specific material properties to optimize plastic parts and provide low thermal conductiv- ity, low specific heat, and low coefficient of thermal expan - sion (CTE). The results are improved material distribution, enhanced clarity, reduced starting gauge, and faster cycle times. CMT offers a full range of materials allowing design- ers and operators to create high-quality plugs for a variety of polymers and their required geometries. CMT Materials www.cmtmaterials.com NPE2024: Booth W-6888