Extrusion International 3-2023-USA

13 Extrusion International 3/2023 In 2009, the entry into the glass fi - ber market with innovative mea- suring devices for quality control in the drawing tower began. In ad- dition to the focus on quality, ma- terial efficiency and sustainability have become critical over the years. Economic in addition to ecological advantages gain importance in qual- ity control. 2010s – Headquarters expansion and innovative technologies The extended product portfolio and the increase in employees were influential in the 2011 decision to construct a new building for R&D and service at the headquarters. At the same time, in line with the suc- cession plan, the company was di- vided into two business segments: the SIKORA HOLDING GmbH & Co. KG and the SIKORA AG. For the first time, SIKORA launched a system for the inspection and sorting of plas- tic pellets, marking the entry into the plastics industry. In the tube, pipe and hose market, a millimeter wave-based measuring system for plastic pipes was introduced. 2020s – The present Within 50 years, the one-man operation has grown into a glob- ally active manufacturer and sup- plier of measurement, control and inspection technologies. The 350 employees in Bremen and the 15 international subsidiaries support customers worldwide with innova- tive solutions and service to increase productivity and for a sustainable future. "I am very proud and hum- bled by how the company has devel- oped over the 50 years," says Harald Sikora. "Then as now, the secret of SIKORA's success is characterized by innovations that always keep the customer one step ahead in the market; our passion for the prod- ucts and the consistent focus of all activities are on the customers." 20XX – Focus on the future SIKORA does not reside in its past, but has ambitious future plans. "We look with pride at our past, at 50 years of measuring technology at SIKORA", says Dr. Christian Frank, CEO at SIKORA. "The 50 years are an absolute success story written by our employees. I have great respect for this team achievement and am very proud to be a part of it. It is our claim to offer innovative solutions for our customers today and in the future. This includes further devel- opments of existing products as well as new technologies that meet the diverse requirements of custom- ers, such as in the areas of digitali- zation, circular economy and electri- fication. We also want to meet the demand for technical solutions for quality control from a single source and further develop our portfolio in this respect," says Frank. SIKORA AG www.sikora.net Harald Sikora, company founder and managing director of SIKORA HOLDING GmbH & Co. KG Dr. Christian Frank, CEO SIKORA AG Certification Achieved As part of a company-wide com- mitment to customer service and environmental sustainability, Davis- Standard’s manufacturing facility in Fulton, N.Y., recently attained ISO 14001 certification. This certifica - tion validates processes across the board, internally and externally, and serves as a benchmark for Da- vis-Standard’s ongoing pursuit of operational excellence, sustainable practices and process improvement. This is the third Davis-Standard facil- ity to become ISO 14001 certified in addition to facilities in Finland and Switzerland. All of Davis-Standard’s global facilities are slated to become ISO 14001 certified by 2025. “ISO 14001 certification directly aligns with our sustainability efforts concerning safety, quality and pro- ductivity to address customer needs while also strengthening internal practices,” said Giovanni Spitale, Davis-Standard CEO. “Every aspect of our business at all Davis-Standard facilities must support industry- wide quality standards in order to fulfill the value proposition we offer customers. This includes focusing on equipment development and manufacturing efforts that reduce waste, improve energy efficiency and recyclability.” At the core of ISO certification is the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. This is achieved by enhancing customer fulfillment through an effective quality management system (www. iso.org ). All issues are addressed at the source to support best prac- tices. Davis-Standard, LLC www.davis-standard.com