Extrusion International 3-2023-USA

19 Extrusion International 3/2023 Range of TPE Solutions Expanded – Focus on the Circular Economy  KRAIBURG TPE is now distributing selected TPE so- lutions with ISCC PLUS certification. By means of mass balancing, compliance with various social and ecological standards benefiting both processors and end consum - ers is ensured in the course of an extensive review. Seam- less traceability in the supply chain is ensured, including proof of origin for feedstock and materials. This certifica - tion is especially beneficial for TPE customers in the high - ly regulated consumer and medical sectors, since they do not have to initiate another approval process. Both the demand and standards for more sustain- able solutions in the plastics industry continue to grow. Manufacturing companies have identified various ways to provide customers with products that contribute to the expansion of the circular economy. In particular, TPE compounds containing recycled materials are increas- ingly being used in response to market demands. The adjustment is however challenging in certain areas be- cause the compounds being used are subject to special regulations and legal provisions that currently exclude the use of recycled materials, for example. Extensive testing by manufacturers and processors is also required for certain raw materials before they can be ultimately processed. Thus switching materials to a more sustain- able product component cannot be realized without considerable additional effort and costs in these cases. KRAIBURG TPE is addressing this with proven product solutions including ISCC PLUS certification (mass bal - ance). This helps customers switch to more sustainable products, taking the next step towards a circular econ- omy together. ISCC is a globally applicable, recognized, and standard- ized certification system that covers bio, bio-circular, and circular rawmaterials. Gradually increasing the proportion of more sustainable rawmaterials is possible with the help of themass balanceapproach. Fossil rawmaterials are thus replaced and the CO2e footprint is gradually reduced. This mass balance approach makes it possible to mix renew- able and fossil rawmaterials in production processes. It en- sures that the sustainable proportion of the mass balance is traceable. Another benefit for customers and processors is that so-called negative testing is not required thanks to the drop-in solution. Since customers receive a product that is chemically identical to their existing solutions, the current processing parameters remain unchanged. KRAIBURG TPE www.kraiburg-tpe.com KRAIBURG TPE is now offering proven thermoplastic elastomers with ISCC PLUS certification (mass balance) at its headquarters in Waldkraiburg (Image: © 2023 KRAIBURG TPE) Plastics Recycling Ambassador of the Year  Manfred Hackl, CEO of EREMA Group GmbH, was recently awarded the accolade Plastics Recycling Am- bassador of the Year at the Plastics Recycling Show Eu- rope. The award is given in honour of personalities who are particularly committed to plastics recycling. Manfred Hackl has been with EREMA since 1995 and, prior to joining the management team, was responsi- ble for the product development and market launch of VACUREMA technology that closed the loop in the bot- tle-to-bottle segment efficiently and cost effectively. In his current role as CEO of the EREMA Group and in various roles in well-known national and international associations he promotes plastics recycling and circular economy across the industry, regionally and throughout Europe - especially at EU level - encouraging everybody in the industry to work together. "I dedicate the Recycling Ambassador of the Year award to the employees at the EREMA Group. This year we are celebrating our 40th anniversary, and this award, just like the many we have received for our technologies over the years, shows that we can be very proud of what we have accomplished and achieved together during this time," says Manfred Hackl, delighted with the award. EREMA Group www.erema.com Manfred Hackl, CEO EREMA Group GmbH (© EREMA)