Extrusion International 3-2023-USA

40 Extrusion International 3/2023 40 INDUSTRY NEWS decisions about the consequences of packaging solu- tions. The APR is an international trade association rep- resenting the plastics recycling industry, and has taken the lead in setting standards for plastics recyclability at U.S. recyclers. The APR recognition is expected to cover most fu- ture mono-material stand-up pouch application devel- opments, which are a key part of Polyplastics’ growth plan. The APR recognition for COC is also an important development for brand owners, manufacturers, and processors who seek recycled packaging solutions to meet today’s broad sustainability needs, explained Paul Tatarka, market development manager for Polyplas- tics USA. “COC is a highly effective material option that can be used as a strategic component to meet today’s environmental demands,” said Tatarka. “Discrete COC layers in a multi-layer structure can be an effective and efficient design option for recyclable flexible films, par - ticularly for stand-up pouches, and provide maximum performance.” COC can provide important enhancements to PE and produce recyclable all-polyolefin stand-up pouches that deliver dimensional stability under thermal and me- chanical stress and unrivaled aesthetics with high gloss and low haze. Other key performance attributes include print registration consistency, stiffness, strength and durability, high-speed pouch fabrication, zipper inser- tion and sealing, controllable linear tear properties, and improved water and alcohol barrier. Polyplastics has been successful in the commercial development of COC-enhanced, flexible PE stand-up pouches for a range of consumer applications. TOPAS ® is a registered trademark of TOPAS Advanced Polymers GmbH in Germany, the United States, and other countries for its family of cyclic olefin copolymer resins. Polyplastics Group, www.polyplastics-global.com The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) www.plasticsrecycling.org New Polycarbonate Formulations Free of Forever Chemicals Invented – Breakthrough Patent Application “PFAS- and PTFE-free Applications in Polycarbonate Plastic” FRX Innovations announced that it has filed a new patent for what the Company believes and customer feedback supports will be a breakthrough in key applica- tion areas specifically meeting or exceeding the rigid fire retardant requirements for polycarbonate (PC) plastics and its alloys. This in- vention is free of the increasingly banned “forever” PFAS chemicals and allows for completely PFAS- free formulations in polycarbon- ate, including elimination of the well-known anti-drip agent, PTFE. This is an enormous breakthrough as flame retardant PC and its alloys are used in a wide range of everyday products from consumer electron- ics to electric vehicles, to home ap- pliances as well as many industrial applications. Flame retardant PC is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 5.5%, according to Industry Growth Insights, and it forms part of the $1.5B PC sheet market as estimated by Allied Market Research in June 2022. The global flame-retardant market is forecasted to be more than $10B by 2024, according to a Market Watch report published in December 2022. FRX is very well placed with its existing international customer base and its growing interest from other global players to pursue business both with the large PC resin produc- ers and the many compounders spe- cializing in PC blends and alloys in all major markets. Many major original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have commit- ted that their products be PFAS free. In PC and its blends, that has meant replacing the well-known PFAS chemical KPFBS, otherwise known as Rimar salt, which FRX has already demonstrated a capability to do. Furthermore, major OEMs are taking the view that the well-known anti-drip, PTFE, should also be replaced as part of the move away from PFAS chemicals. Replacing that additive and maintaining the necessary flame-retar - dant properties has proved elusive, until now. Work carried out by FRX’s technical team has now demonstrated that this tough goal is achievable, and importantly, while also maintaining other imperative prop- erties such as impact resistance. The ability to achieve transparent formulations has also been demon- strated. “Our customers have indicated that the industry’s goal in poly- carbonate plastics is to be free of all “Forever Chemicals” including PTFE – while still maintaining all the other necessary properties, includ- ing the hard to achieve impact resis- tance. We are proud to say that we have met that goal,” Marc Lebel, FRX Innovations President and CEO. FRX Innovations www.frx-innovations.com