Extrusion International 3-2023-USA

8 Extrusion International 3/2023 INDUSTRY NEWS PLAST 2023 05 - 08 September 2023 Milan / Italy www.plastonline.org SCHWEISSEN& SCHNEIDEN 11 - 15 September 2023 Essen / Germany www.schweissen-schneiden.com T-PLAS 20 – 23 September 2023 Bangkok / Thailand www.tplas.com Chemical Recycling Europe (CRE) 21 - 22 September 2023 Brussels / Belgium www.polymercomplyeurope.eu wire Southeast Asia Tube Southeast Asia 20 - 22 September 2023 Bangkok / Thailand www.wire-southeastasia.com www.tube-southeastasia.com POWTECH 26 - 28 September, 2023 Nuremberg / Germany www.powtech.de Interplas 26 - 28 September 2023 Burmingham / UK interplasuk.com Central Asia Plast World 28 – 30 September 2023 Almaty / Kasachstan www.k-globalgate.com/en/Global_ Portfolio/Central_Asia_Plast_World/ Fakuma 2023 17 - 21 October 2023 Friedrichshafen / Germany www.fakuma-messe.de SPE Thermoforming Conference 2023 24 - 26 October 2023 Cleveland, Ohio / USA https://thermoformingdivision.com Central Asia Plast World 28 to 30 September 2023, Almaty, Kasachsten  Messe Düsseldorf extends in- ternational portfolio for the plas- tics and rubber industry to include trade fair in Central Asia: Kazakh- stan is the most economically de- veloped country in Central Asia, its gross domestic product amounts to 193 billion US dollars. In the com- ing years the country is aiming for greater industrialisation and is cur- rently experiencing high growth, for instance in the automotive in- dustry. Imports of machinery and equipment as well as chemical products are booming. Therefore, plastics consumption is expected to increase by about 6% annually over the coming years. The country’s economic poten- tial will be a benefit for exhibitors at Central Asia Plast World. The trade fair is being held by experi- enced local organiser Central Asia Trade Exhibitions for the 15th time now, this year for the first time as a member of the Global Gate service brand. Messe Düsseldorf, which or- ganises K, the world’s leading trade fair for the plastics and rubber in- dustry, bundles its worldwide busi- ness in this sector under this brand. Central Asia Plast World is the first platform of the Global Gate family in Central Asia. With 65 exhibitors from 13 coun- tries and 2,700 trade visitors, Cen- tral Asia Plast World is the most important business platform for plastics and rubber in Central Asia. Its range of products and services includes plant and machinery, raw and auxiliary materials, recycling as well as semi-finished products and technical parts. 
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Caroline Erben, ErbenC@messe-duesseldorf.de www.k-globalgate.com/en/Global_ Portfolio/Central_Asia_Plast_World/ Fakuma 2023 – Highly Dynamic and Packed with Innovative Power  Expert visitors will gain an up- to-date, comprehensive overview of all processes, technologies and tools covering all aspects of plas- tics processing, in particular in- jection moulding, extrusion tech- nology, thermoforming and 3D printing, at Fakuma from the 17th to 21st October, 2023. Halls A1 to A7 and B1 to B5, as well as the east and west foyer areas and the east concourse, will be occupied at the Friedrichshafen Exhibition Centre. “Roughly 4 months before the trade fair opens, we’ve already achieved very good booking lev- els,” explains Annemarie Schur, Fakuma project manager from trade fair promoters P. E. Schall. “We’re receiving additional book- ings continuously – from abroad as well. In any case, we’ll make opti- mum use of available floor space once again this year. The exhibi- tion halls in Friedrichshafen will be packed, and everyone involved is looking forward to a lively and inspiring Fakuma 2023,” says the project manager. Lively participation and high levels of internationalism under- score Fakuma’s significance as an outstanding technology and busi- ness event. Major issues addressed at this year’s trade fair include, of course, circular economy, efficient use of resources and sustainabil- ity. The tasks currently faced by the industry are well known: reduced energy consumption, the digitali- sation of production processes and the processing of recyclates into high-quality products. “You can clearly sense the needs which are currently driving the plastics indus- try,” says Annemarie Schur. “Plastic products are designed for recycling right from the start. The issues of