Extrusion International 3-2024-USA

17 Extrusion International 3/2024 hour of downtime can result in sig- nificant costs. The unique IQPRINT technology used in IQJET eliminates this completely. IQPRINT combines the LEIBINGER automatic nozzle sealing technology with a new smart ink management system. Lowest operating costs and en- vironmental impact on the mar- ket: By automatically sealing the ink circuit, IQJET uses far less ink than competitors. It also condens- es evaporated solvent and feeds it back into the system. Even the new cartridges are designed to empty to the very last drop, unlike many competitive designs. In terms of power, the IQJET also draws only 36W on average, making it one of the most efficient on the market. The result is a more sustainable so- lution that reduces consumption by 50%. LEIBINGER summarizes this overall package of IQJET benefits as SMART.EFFICIENCY. The SMART.OS technology of IQ - JET offers straightforward installa- tion and effortless operation. With its diverse range of interfaces, in- cluding OPC UA and an integrated PLC, IQJET seamlessly integrates into any packaging line. The latest HMI provides an intuitive user ex- perience through drag & drop func- tionalities like on a smart device. German companies are known for their innovation and quality. Since the LEIBINGER company was founded in 1948 by Paul Leibinger it has always innovated to meet the changing needs of customers. Now, in 2024 under the guidance of Paul Leibinger’s grand-daughter Chris- tina Leibinger, the company is de- lighted to continue that tradition. Paul Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG www.leibinger-group.com CEO Christina Leibinger is delighted that IQJET has been nominated for the German Innovation Award. (Source: Paul Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG) X-RAY 6000 PRO – 360° measurement of hoses & tubes • Measuring ranges from Ø 0.65 to 270 mm • Min. wall thickness > 0.3 mm • Up to three different layers • Automatic control of each layer to minimum wall thickness • “One Button Operation” – no calibration, no parameters • Measurement of corrugated pipes with „C-PIPE“ version • Continuous quality monitoring and documentation www.sikora.net/xray6000