Extrusion International 3-2024-USA

27 Extrusion International 3/2024 Advanced C:GRAN Series Introduced at NPE2024 At the forefront of plastic recy- cling innovation, Next Generation Recyclingmaschinen (NGR) an- nounced the debut of its revolu- tionary C:GRAN series at the NPE in Orlando. This new series sets benchmarks in the recycling in- dustry with its advanced cascade option featuring our high perfor- mance Power Venting Section and the newly developed AUTO-Pilot control system. The new C:GRAN series is engi- neered to process a wide range of materials efficiently – from dry, clean post-industrial waste to wet, heavily contaminated post-con- sumer material. Available in eight machine sizes with throughputs ranging from 300 to 3000 kg/h, the series is designed to meet the di- verse challenges of recycling. “Our new C:GRAN series re- defines the standards of plastic recycling, ensuring the effective transformation of various waste materials into high-quality granu- late,” stated Stefan Lehner, Prod- uct Manager of Post Consumer Re- cycling at NGR. The machines can process everything from BOPP and BOPET films generated as produc - tion waste to materials from wash- ing plants and heavily printed films with stringent degassing require- ments. This capability ensures the effective reintegration of diverse plastic waste streams back into the production cycle as premium qual- ity granulate. Lehner added, “The series fea- tures two independent extruder drives, allowing optimal speed settings for both the melting and degassing extruders. This con- figuration optimizes degassing and melting performance while maintaining lower melt tempera- tures due to the short process unit. Moreover, a clean separation be- tween the extruder and cascade, with melt filtration in between, ensures that no contamination by- passes the melt filter, leading to a very stable process and preventing the production of off-spec granu- late. 'Recycling & compounding' is also possible in a single step when combined with twin screw technol- ogy as part of the system.” The C:GRAN’s modular design of- fers unparalleled flexibility, accom - modating custom solutions while adhering to standards for specific recycling needs. It includes options such as retrofitting additional de - gassing zones or integrating a cas- cade with a second filtration stage – adjustments that can be made swiftly to optimize operational efficiency. The enlarged cutter- compactors of the C:GRAN series ensure high throughput values and high process stability despite vary- ing input qualities. For high input moisture levels, the cutter-com- pactor can also be equipped with a special DRY-Boost to enhance ma- terial drying performance. A standout feature of the C:GRAN series is the cascade con- figuration equipped with the new Power Venting Section, designed for the most difficult degassing challenges. This setup is crucial for processing materials with high lev- els of contamination and moisture, effectively stripping deep volatile contaminants from the polymer melt. "The cascade’s Power Vent- ing Section, with three degassing openings and an innovative poly- mer flow path provides the abil - ity to remove even the most chal- lenging volatile contaminants, thus ensuring exceptional pellet quality. The location of the vent, after filtration, ensures optimized throughput and therefore energy efficiency," explained Greg Wool, Sales Director from NGR Inc.. The newly developed AUTO-Pilot control system in the C:GRAN series automates the entire recycling pro- cess, adapting seamlessly to chang- es in material characteristics such as density and moisture. This in- telligent system adjusts the intake slider, cutter-compactor, extruder, and pelletizing speeds automati- cally, maintaining optimal process- ing conditions and consistent pellet quality without operator interven- tion. "The AUTO-Pilot feature vir- tually eliminates operator error, reduces the likelihood of unsched- uled downtime and especially pre- vents melt-downs. It ensures that our machines operate at peak effi - ciency, with minimized energy use and enhanced safety" highlighted Stefan Lehner, the Product Man- ager for Post Consumer Recycling at NGR. Next Generation Recyclingmaschinen GmbH www.ngr-world.com C:GRAN – CUTTER-COMPACTOR- EXTRUDER COMBINATION C:GRAN-CAS 125-150 with single-screw cascade and Power Venting Section