Extrusion International 3-2024-USA

28 Extrusion International 3/2024 28 INDUSTRY NEWS Cutting-Edge Factory Automation Solutions Launched at NPE 2024  Muller Technology, a leader in factory automation solutions for the plastics industry, expanded its product offering with the launch of custom mobile robotic systems at the NPE 2024 exhibition in May. The new factory automation solu- tions bridge the labor shortage gap in the U.S. plastics processing in- dustry while also delivering greater versatility, flexibility, efficiency, and productivity. Muller has expanded beyond tra- ditional downstream automation, offering new Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) and Mobile Manipu- lators (MoMas) which significantly improve productivity, reduce OSHA recordable events, and can run sev- en days a week/24 hours a day for a great return on investment. "As the manufacturing landscape continues to evolve, Muller Tech- nology remains at the forefront of innovation, providing cutting-edge solutions to address the industry's most pressing challenges," said Carsten Eisenkrämer Group CEO at Muller Technology. "With our lat- est product line and service offer- ings, we are empowering plastics manufacturers to unlock new lev- els of efficiency, productivity, and profitability." Muller introduced its Mobile Ma- nipulator (MoMa) which boasts in- novative designs and unparalleled versatility. These cutting-edge manipulators are an AMR com- bined with a collaborative robot (Cobot) including a vision-based end-of-arm tool. They are capable of operating in microprocessor clean rooms, offering customers unmatched efficiency, productivity, accuracy, and cost reductions. The MoMa is a versatile solution that automates not only transporta- tion of goods but also complex op- erations such as picking items from shelves, assembling components, or placing delicate objects. It com- bines the best of both worlds – the flexibility of mobile robots (AMRs) and the precision of Cobots. They are integrated into the automation process as an AMR with a purpose- built top to transport empty or full boxes or pallets around your shop to improve your operational throughput, or to perform repeti- tive assembly processes and then moving the goods towards the warehouse or truck. The company has launched AMRs into their portfolio of products as a Certified System Integrator for Omron products which play a cru- cial role in improving manufactur- ing and logistics processes while significantly increasing the flex - ibility of production areas. AMRs minimize health and safety risks in warehouses and factories, serving as a valuable complement to drive efficiency and cost reductions in modern manufacturing and logis- tics processes. Muller integrates AMRs and Mo- Mas for a complete portfolio of technologies for turnkey automa- tion operations for its customers. The company has partnered with Omron, one of the world's leading AMR manufacturers. Muller is an Omron Certified Systems Integra - tor for both of its operations in Fort Collins and Conthey, Switzerland. Muller Technology Group prides itself on offering comprehensive services, including engineering, sales, aftermarket parts, and as- sembly operations, across both its facilities in Switzerland and North America. Muller provides a produc- tivity edge by working close to cus- tomer operations in America and in Europe. Muller Technology www.muller-technology.com