Extrusion International 3-2024-USA

31 Extrusion International 3/2022 Investment in Startup  Chemovator, the business in- cubator and early-stage investor of BASF, has successfully finalized an investment in Heartland. The Detroit-based startup is a frontrun- ner in the production of natural fi - ber plastic additives, and the latest addition to Chemovator's external- facing Elevate program. Supported by a team of scientists, engineers, and technologists, Heart- land has developed hemp-based materials that can be used as addi- tives within plastic compounds. This breakthrough advancement in the world of sustainable material in- novation improves properties with regard to flammability, bonding, dis - persion, and bulk density, which are historically associated with process- ing natural fibers. As a result, natural fibers are now a viable market op - portunity to reduce scope 3 carbon emissions in numerous industries. “By working with global brands and their suppliers, Heartland is able to reduce the carbon footprint of plastics on an industrial scale,” comments Jesse Henry, CEO of Heartland. With this funding, Heartland be- comes Chemovator’s first portfolio company in North America and the latest addition to the Chemovator Elevate program. The program aims to support early-stage startups in the chemical industry through mon- etary investment, access to BASF and its experts, as well as support from a network of experienced en- trepreneurs. “Heartland’s dedication to devel- oping natural fiber additives aligns perfectly with our purpose of shap- ing the future of the chemical indus- try. This investment not only expands our portfolio to a new geography, but also underscores our commit- ment to innovation and sustainabil- ity. We look forward to supporting the Heartland team on its journey,” adds Gati Kalim, Head of Portfolio Management at Chemovator. The Investment builds on an exist- ing partnership between Heartland and BASF’s North America Open Re- search Alliance (NORA). “We are not only continuing our collaboration with Heartland; we are strengthening this collaboration. Supported by the tireless efforts of our colleagues in the Performance Materials division, we work together to deliver sustainable solutions for our customers,” says Thomas Hol- combe, Head of NORA at BASF Cor- poration. “BASF's partnership with Heartland will enable us to advance on our commitment to reduce scope 3 emissions* and create chemistry for a sustainable future." The monetary and strategic sup- port provided by Chemovator en- ables Heartland to deepen valuable collaborations within BASF. Heartland Industries Inc. www.heartland.io Chemovator GmbH www.chemovator.com As an additive for industrial materials such as plastic, rubber, and concrete, Heartland’s Imperium Masterbatch, a product designed to be blended with polymers, enables the production of high-performance natural fiber products and packaging Waste360 Features Op-ed  Waste360 has featured an op- ed written by Plastics Industry As- sociation (PLASTICS) President and CEO, Matt Seaholm, published dur- ing the UN Global Plastic Pollution Treaty meetings at INC-4 in Ottawa, Canada. The piece highlights the in- dustry’s commitment to end plastic waste and work towards a collabor- ative solution to keep plastic in the circular economy. “This week at the Global Plastics Pollution Treaty Meetings in Ottawa, Canada, participants will have an opportunity to come together and move the needle towards solutions to address plastic pollution. With only two meetings left, these nego- tiations are at a critical point, which is why our industry has continued to come to the table supporting the effort to achieve a collabora- tive, robust international agreement that will put us on the path to end- ing plastic pollution worldwide. The way we see it, this meeting is where actual progress can be made. These negotiations will be a missed oppor- tunity if we spend the week talking about how to stop the production of plastic, which, unfortunately, has been a focal point at past meetings.” To read the full op-ed. https://www.waste360.com/plastics/ commentary-committed-to-end- plastic-waste Matt Seaholm