Extrusion International 3-2024-USA

54 Extrusion International 3/2024 PLASTPOL 2024 Successful Trade Fair Conclusion Both innovative machines and cutting-edge raw materials were sold at the four-day Plastpol – plastics processing exhibition at Targi Kielce, Poland. The contract for the regranulate supply was signed by the Polish ML Polyolefins and the German Keeper group. T he International Fair of Plastics and Rubber Process- ing PLASTPOL has advanced to become one of the most important events in Europe's plastics processing and rubber business sector. The 28th Targi Kielce expo brings together over 600 companies from 31 countries, mainly from Europe, Asia and the Middle East. “From the first day we hosted thousands of visitors; innovative technologies have generated the most avid interest. Exhibitors have indicated energy efficiency as the top-ranking aspect to which customers pay the most attention. The machines that save up to 30, 40 or 50 per - cent of energy compared to standard machines are in great demand, “reports Andrzej Mochoń, president of the Kielce exhibition and congress centre. Raw materials which serve the environment are contracted in Kielce Critical product selection criteria are also related to the sustainable development of companies. The Polish Bedeko signed agreements for the sale of bio line com- ponents. Many talks conducted by the German Kraiburg TPE, a producer of TPE compounds for the automotive, consumer products, industrial and medical sectors, have been successfully completed. The agreement on the industry's sustainable develop- ment was signed by Polish ML Polyolefins, i.e. Central and Eastern Europe's largest producer of PP regranu- late, and one of the leading European suppliers of plas- tic products for households, Keeeper Group established cooperation. The contract stipulates the supply of ap- proximately 2,000 tons of recyclate per year. As both parties emphasise, this cooperation is the result of striv- ing for sustainable development not only in the plastics processing industry, but also in the sectors using plas- tics, such as trade. "We keep increasing the basket pro- duction using circular materials. Box baskets produced with regranulate added will be delivered to retail chains in many European countries," says Grzegorz Kicerman, president of the Keeper company. – Our customers ex- pect goods produced from recyclate, “We are ready to supply the highest quality regran- ulate, also for the production of food packaging; we keep waiting for the European Commission's action,” explained Krzysztof Nowosielski, commercial director at ML Polyolefins. “We expect to finalise a few more agreements. Many more leads will surely bear fruit after the Expo,” reca- pitulates Kamil Perz, Plastpol project director. Targi Kielce www.targikielce.pl, www.kielcekonferencje.pl https://www.targikielce.pl/en/plastpol