Extrusion International USA 4-2019

31 Extrusion International 4/2019 What role does product design play? Kühmann: Product design must be approached in a differ- ent way in the circular economy. Until now, products have followed a design, but it has been all about functionality and ultimately appearance. There has been no obligation or consistent practice for a sound eco-design. In fact, all prod- ucts, including plastics products, should be checked in terms of their recyclability. At the moment, this is not happening. It’s neither a requirement, nor common practice. Of course, it would help if products were designed in a recyclable way in the first place. Europe is only responsible for a mere fraction of the plastic waste in our oceans. Will consistently focusing on a circular economy here evenmake any kind of difference? Kühmann: Awareness of the waste problem in the world’s oceans is particularly high in Europe. As a result, the image of plastics is suffering, especially in Germany. It is true that the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research has discovered that 90 percent of annual marine pollution is caused by plas- tics from ten rivers in Asia and Africa, but the problem affects us all. Just think of microplastics in fish. That’s why people here are concerned. A circular economy in Europe means set- ting a good example. We can show other countries how it works and that it does indeed work. Usually, the main problem is a lack of or inad- equate waste management. Without waste management, however, there can be no circular economy. We would like our systems to be adapted throughout the world. Not nec- essarily to match each other one-for-one, but to be used as guidance. This is why we are showcasing them at K 2019 andwhy it is good to drive them forward in Europe. The task is extremely complex. It has taken us years to get to where we are now, but other regions don’t have so much time. It really is time to act now by learning from those who are al- ready doing it. Thank you for this interview! VDMA Kunststoff- und Gummimaschinen Lyoner Str. 18, 60528 Frankfurt/Main, Germany vdma.org K 2019: FG Halle 16 / 16.1 Let‘s get the act together and meet the challenges of the future – 3URFHVV HQJLQHHULQJ IRU HIÀFLHQW SODVWLFV H[WUXVLRQ RI WRPRUURZ 2XU LQQRYDWLYH VROXWLRQV • allow the use of recycled material, ‡ SURGXFH LQ DQ HQHUJ\ HIÀFLHQW PDQQHU • and guarantee your lasting investment. ZZZ EDWWHQIHOG FLQFLQQDWL FRP Visit us at the World‘s No.1 7UDGH )DLU IRU 3ODVWLFV 5XEEHU in Düsseldorf from 16.-23. Oct. 19 in +DOO DW %RRWK %