Extrusion International USA 4-2019

46 Extrusion International 4/2019 PIPE EXTRUSION sumption of raw materials and also the volume of waste generated is reduced. Optimization of the Hydrological Resources PVC-O is chemically inert against products present in nature and remains unchanged. This, together with the effective design of its socket, prevents leakage of the piped water and contamination of the fluid circu- lating inside, thus maintaining the total quality of the water. Long Useful Life Thanks to the excellent mechanical properties, these pipes are very resistant, thus significantly minimizing breakages during handling and installation on site, and also remaining unchanged for years, reducing the substitution of damaged or deteriorated pipes in the network, thereby saving economic resources. This re- sistance is particularly noticeable at low temperatures, where other materials are very fragile. Better Contribution to the Sustainability Lower carbon footprint. Due to the lower emissions of CO 2 into the atmosphere, various international studies show that throughout their long live cycle they have lower energy consumption, minimizing the impact on the planet’s climate change. (Picture 2) Other environmental contributions: Optimization of the transport. Thanks to the lower weight of the pipes, we can transport more quantity, so we will save fuel and minimize CO 2 emissions. Cost efficiency in installation. Due to their lower weight, they are lighter and can be easier handled than pipes made from other materials. Thus, the handling and connection of the pipes can be done manually up to DN315 mm, thus reducing the use of machinery and the CO 2 emissions into the atmosphere. European Guidelines to preserve the environment PVC-O pipes are ahead of the rest of the pipelines in the market with the study of the environmental impact according to the European Commission. This analysis is not limited to calculating the impact on climate change due to greenhouse gas emissions (Carbon Footprint), but analyses its behaviour against 14 environmental impacts that are grouped according to the condition of the different means: • Air and atmosphere: climate change, acidification, depletion of the ozone layer and formation of foto- chemical ozone. • Water: resource depletion (water), fresh water eco- toxicity and water eutrophication. • Soil: resource depletion (minerals), land eutrophica- tion and the use of the ground. • Human health: respiratory inorganic elements, ioniz- ing radiation, effects on human health (carcinogenics) and effects on the human health (no carcinogenics). Results study environmental footprint The calculation has been carried out through a thor- ough study of all the processes of the product life cycle over all the phases of the product, from the extraction of raw materials to the final disposal of pipes, through manufacturing, distribution and use. The results obtained are in picture 4. Thanks to the molecular orientation, PVC-O pipes pres- ent advantages applicable to both the quality of the product and its mechanical properties, as well as to an increased installation performance and the minimiza- tion of energy costs during operation, achieving in this way very high cost efficiency in the implementation of water networks. It should also be noted that PVC-O pipes are the most environmentally friendly solution, presenting a significantly lower environmental footprint than other alternative products. This is due both to the energy efficiency achieved during manufacture and use, and to the reduced emission of CO 2 into the at- mosphere throughout its life cycle, thus making a smaller contribution to the global greenhouse ef- fect and climate change. They offer a better behaviour of respect for the en- vironment, presenting an environmental footprint inferior to other materials, improving the contribu- tion to the correct sustainable development of the planet, and optimizing the consumption of natural resources. Molecor, Spain http://molecor.com/en/ Picture 4