Extrusion International USA 4-2020

11 Extrusion International 4/2020 wire and Tube China open Doors in Shanghai The leading regional Asian trade fairs wire and Tube China will take place from 23 to 26 September 2020 in the Shanghai under strict hygiene and distance regulations, prescribed by the Chinese health and safety authorities. The organizers expect a rapid recovery of the global econ- omy and the absolute willingness to invest within the wire and cable industries. Together with many international wire and cable companies and the relevant associations, it was therefore decided to hold wire and Tube China against the background of declining infection figures with the COVOID-19 virus. In addition, interactive online showrooms provide a digi- tal supplement to the analogue trade fair events in the exhibition halls. This means that companies can also take part in the trade fair, even if the current economic situ- ation in their countries makes it impossible for them to travel to Shanghai. 560 Chinese and international exhibitors are expected at wire China, who will be showing innovative machines, equipment, products and services from the wire and cable industry on four days of the fair. So far, 340 international companies have registered for Tube China. New Start in September In compliance with all applicable hygiene and safety stan- dards, there will be two theme pavilions parallel to the tube trade fair. The Saw EXPO China pavilion is a special exhibition for the sawing and industrial cutting sectors and thus represents an ideal extension of the tube pro- cessing sector. The THERMPROCESS China special pavilion complements the Tube China as a trade fair for thermal process technology. A digital trade fair offer supplements the range of prod- ucts and services before, during and after the analogue events in the exhibition halls. Messe Düsseldorf GmbH www.wirechina.net, www.tubechina.net https://globalplasticssummit.com/registration.html The Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) Elleni Almandrez, ealmandrez@plasticsindustry.org Rebecca Lopez, Rebecca.Lopez@ihsmarkit.com The Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) and IHS Markit will host the eighth annual Global Plastics Summit (GPS) virtually on October 21–23, 2020, the organizations announced. The event connects plastic industry decision-makers to address leading topics like global competition, plastics material, sustainability, policy and innovation. Attendees walk away with insights and ways to navigate the ever- changing global plastics industry. This year PLASTICS’ Flexible Film and Bag Division and Rigid Plastics Packaging Group will offer two exciting tracks for the entire supply chain, from equipment manufacturers to brand owners, to connect. “There are so many important issues that our industry cur- rently faces, and the Summit is a great opportunity to col- laborate and network with the world’s top-tier thought leaders in the plastics industry,” said Tony Radoszewski, President and CEO of PLASTICS. “The new tracks, which include the Flexible Film and Bag Division and Rigid Plas- tics Packaging Group, give plastics executives insight into how to navigate the new challenges gripping the global market.” “Covid-19, the global economic, and extreme energy price volatility are combining to reshape the plastics industry in ways unimagined just a few months ago. The 2020 Global Plastics Summit Online will be the premiere venue for in- dustry leaders to analyze and discuss how these critical issues will impact your business. Join us in this first ever “virtual” Summit,” said Nick Vafiadis, Vice President Plas- tics, IHS Markit. For more information on the event and to register: 2020 Global Plastics Summit Highlights Moves to Virtual Conference