Extrusion International USA 4-2020

39 Extrusion International 4/2020 system management authorization clearance control. This matches the developing trends and helps facto- ries integrate all steps, from order confirmation, production quality and live updates, to final product qual- ity check. All data is automatically stored and management surveillance can be checked at all times. trusion molds in Taiwan. The precise- ness of this meltdown nonwoven fabric is can further determine the quality of a surgical mask’s capabil- ity to effectively block COVID-19 and other small bacteria. GMA not only manufactures high precision molds, but also incorporates fluid dynamics into their self-developed meltdown nonwoven extrusion mold, further optimizing the hole size on the spin- neret, the nozzle’s angle, and flow speed, and balancing the air pres- sure. From R & D design, mold manu- facture, to in-house electroplating, GMA has gradually built a stream- lined process in their mold manufac- turing. Smart manufacture trending in plastics production The fear of close human interaction has aided much to the development of remote control and industry 4.0 manufacturing in factories around the world. HUARONG’s online man- agement platform – HFM, offers a cross-platform and full manufac- ture management control, enabling the importing of production data, system self-maintenance checks for even minor abnormality, video con- ferencing for troubleshooting, and The COVID-19 has challenged the global supply chain and put a pause in many countries manufacturing. GMA, though feeling privileged to escape the devastating situations seen around the world, still takes on the responsibility to extend their help to global friends. As all orders now for the melt-down nonwoven fabric are very urgent, GMA has called up its teams to take on extra shifts, and all machines in GMA are currently running 24 hours a day, in order to make sure that the finest quality molds can be delivered within the shortest time. “No country is alone.” Is the main thought shared by both GMA and HUARONG companies. Within this fight against COVID-19, while every nation is still seeking medical supplies as the highest prior- ity, the global supply chain and man- ufacturing industries are also quietly finding and shifting to new patterns for survival. GMA Machinery Enterprise Co., Ltd. No.28 Lane 362 Sec. 2 Yung Hsing Rd Wu Chi Dist Taichung 435, Taiwan www.gmatw.com