Extrusion International USA 4-2020

43 Extrusion International 4/2020 to contribute to the irrigation system for its proper functioning. Therefore, the sector has been divided into two zones, one that will operate by im- pulse and the other by gravity. For each irrigation sector, there has been a regulating reservoir that will be supplied independently from the Canal through the corresponding intake. In this sector the reservoir is the subject of another project and has been carried out directly by the Ministry of Water, Agriculture, Live- stock and Fisheries of the Region of Murcia. PUMPING: two delivery units: • Shift 1 flow of 743,719 m 3 /h at a manometric height of 69.65 mca, for which a minimum efficiency of 79.5% is achieved with a team con- sisting of three groups of horizontal centrifugal motorized pumps placed in parallel, with an electric motor of one nominal power 92.5 kW at 1,450 rpm and 400 V voltage. • Shifts 2 and 3 will install a team con- sisting of three parallel motor-pump groups of a nominal power of 55 kW at 1,450 rpm and 400 V, which covers the requirements for flow rates and gauge heights with a minimum effi- ciency of 82%. Two of the motorized pump groups of each team will be provided with they collected the water correspond- ing to each irrigation shift. Object of the work The purpose of the work is to opti- mize the use of currently available resources, increase the capacity for seasonal regulation, optimize water and energy supply infrastructures, in order to reduce delivery costs, ensure the supply of water on the plot and automate and computerize hydraulic infrastructures, facilitating consump- tion control and administrative water management. Network design and description of works For the calculation of the water needs, an adult lemon grove, 60/40 formed by the Verna and Fino va- rieties, is considered representative of the irrigable area. The probable diameter of the bulb, given the texture of the ground, has been estimated at 1.37 m, which sup- poses a wet area per emitter of 1.47 m 2 . With an arrangement of 8 emitters of 4 l/h per tree, consid- ering a planting frame of 5.5x5.5, a percentage of wet soil of 35% is obtained. In this way, an irrigation module of 1,057 l/m 2 h was deduced and thus it follows that it is conve- nient to do 3 daily irrigation shifts for each zone of each sector, and if the JER is 18 hours, there will be 6 hours per shift. In total, 8,802,300 m 3 /year are avail- able. This figure is made up of the endowment that the Irrigation Com- munity of the Tajo-Segura Transfer has, the runoff that is collected in the Rambla Dam, those corresponding to the concession of regeneratedwaste- water from the WWTP of Librilla and groundwater from some wells. The plots located in a strip of ap- proximately 50 m below the average level of each reservoir need energy Installation of PVC-O pipes and special pieces in the modernization project of the irrigation area of the irrigation community of the Tajo-Segura transfer of Librilla Installation of PVC-O pipes in the modernization project of the irrigable area of the irrigation community of the Tajo-Segura de Librilla transfer