Extrusion International USA 4-2020

5 Extrusion International 4/2020 With GammaMeccanica’s classic Tandem tech- nology it is possible to recycle heavily printed, high humidity and contaminatedmaterials 40 Gneuss has already proven tomany customers worldwide that retrofitting is a good alternative for processing recycledmaterials. For example, a com- pany from Southamerica has been using Rotary Filtration Systems fromGneuss for several years now to produce PET thermoformed trays with a 70% recycled content Thanks to years of experience in the processing of metal-bearing waste materials, the experts fromBHS-Sonthofen found the optimal machine for processing abrasive materials 50 GINDUMAC sees that the market value andmarketing potential of usedmachines is becoming a muchmore important refinancing instrument in investment planning 56 The German-based CCA GmbH develops efficient and high- performance solutions for plastic pipe extrusion. Their calibration sleeves precisely match the customers‘ production requirements and optimize complex production processes 45 In the past several months, GMAMachinery has received a tremendous number of queries asking for the melt-down nonwoven fabric molds, melt pumps, and filters. One of the most common demands is for meltdown nonwoven fabric molds, which are a key material for making surgical masks andmedical isolation gowns 38 46