Extrusion International 4-2023-USA

55 Extrusion International 4/2023 ForMolecor, the preservation of the environment is an issue of great importance, proof of which is the award of the Sustainable Spanish Plastics Industry seal granted by ANAIP (Spanish Association of Plastics Industrialists). This is a European certification mark that recognizes the efforts of companies in the sector to achieve sustainabil- ity and to maintain their production in Spain. This certi- fication mark, born with a vocation of reliability, rigor and reference, recognizes that Molecor complies with the environmental and socioeconomic criteria necessary to manufacture and be sustainable at the same time. Creating more sustainable supply networks The environmental benefits of TOM ® pipes and ecoFITTOM ® fittings go beyond the production process. Thanks to their improved characteristics, they also re- duce the impact that the installation of piping networks has on the ecosystem. An example of this is the creation of a field irriga - tion system using pressurized pipes for more than 500 hectares of almond orchards in the Georgian region of Kakheti. For this project, which began in early 2023, more than 25,000 meters of TOM ® oriented PVC pipes are be- ing installed to supply a total of more than 115,000 trees. The light weight, ductility and high resistance of the laminated structure of TOM ® PVC-O pipes allows for a faster installation that requires less use of heavy machin- ery (up to DN315 mm can be installed manually). Thanks to these characteristics it has been possible to install pipes with diameters between 90 and 630 mm in record time, reducing to a minimum the damage to the ecosystem. In addition, the total watertightness of its elastomeric jointing system and resistance to breakage allow the loss of water trans- ported from its source in the Iori River to be minimal. For these and other reasons, more and more projects around the world are choosing to use Molecor PVC-O pipes and fittings for their pressurizedwater pipelines. Betting on a greener future It is clear that in today's society there is great concern for the preservation of the planet, climate change is already a reality and therefore the management and use of water is something that must be taken care of so that wa- ter resources can be maintained or even increased (a very complex challenge) in the coming years and decades. This is where the concept of "Circular Economy" comes into play. Making themost of all the resources at our disposal and minimizing the emissions produced during their use are part of the way forward to reverse the effects of global warming. Reducing waste, recycling or reusing it must be part of the culture of all companies and institutions. In the construction sector, 55% of production are products made of PVC and more than 64% of long-term uses (between 15 and 100 years) also choose this plastic material. But only 0.7% of urban waste are PVC prod- ucts, demonstrating the benefits of this polymer for a more sustainable future. For this reason, Molecor con- tinues its expansion to offer the widest range of pipes and fittings for water canalization, but always with a responsible production that takes care of the environ- ment and the preservation of nature. The objective is to achieve a better management of water resources, increasingly scarce, as well as a more sustainable, profitable and forward-looking produc - tion in an increasingly competitive market. To this end, Molecor is committed to new technologies, digitalization and innovation as fundamental elements to develop new solutions that optimize production, reduce resource con- sumption and reduce its footprint on the ecosystem. A lower use of petroleum than other polymers (only 43% of its composition, the rest comes from common salt), ex- tended useful life and no use of heavy metals as stabilizers are some of the characteristics of Molecor's PVC-O products. In ad- dition, the company develops digital tools such as geoTOM ® (App for the digitization and ge- olocation of pipeline networks) to facilitate maintenance while reducing the time and resources required to do so, with the aim of helping all stakeholders involved in the transport of fresh water to facilitate their work. Molecor https://molecor.com/en