Extrusion International 5-2023-USA

72 Extrusion International 5/2023 PIPES, SERVICE the date of placement, the depth of installation or the exact location from a smartphone or tablet (both on An- droid and IOS). Advantages of digitalizing water networks The use of the new technology de- veloped by Molecor offers multiple benefits when creating and main - taining a piping network. From the designer to the installer can see their work facilitated thanks to the access to complete and accurate informa- tion of each of the pieces installed in the structure. The main advantage is to be able to perform an ef- fective maintenance of the network thanks to which at the time of any malfunction it is easier to find the exact position of the damaged piece for substitution and to have complete information about that piece at any time and place to find a substitute with the neces - sary characteristics. The app enables collaborative work by offering the possibility of adding multiple users to the project who can not only position the pieces, but also include pic - tures and comments for the rest of the participants. In addition, it is possible to carry out a complete follow-up in the event of an incident to find out the status and communicate directly and immediately with the Mole- cor team to handle any query. In the case of the PVC-O TOM ® pipes and ecoFITTOM ® fittings manufactured by Molecor, to obtain the neces - sary information, the application scans the QR code print - ed on each piece. With this data, a complete traceability of the installed elements is achieved, and the technical information of each product can be consulted from any- where. The ease of obtaining information on Molecor products is due to the M.E.S. (Manufacturing Execution System) process monitoring system with 4.0 connectivity, but the application also allows the geolocation of parts from any other manufacturer or material from the library or even the manual inclusion of elements. Molecor is aligned with the achievement of the Sus- tainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations General Assembly. Due to the very nature of the company and its prod- ucts, the main goal is number 6: "Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all". geoTOM ® contributes to this SDG by providing a highly ef- ficient way of managing wa - ter transport networks, using at all times, the latest technol - ogy available on the market. In addition, this application also contributes to achieving the goals under SDG 9 "Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustain - able industrialization and promote innovation". How to digitalize a water supply system Creating the digital layout of a pipeline network with geoTOM ® is a very simple task to learn and quick to per- form. The only prerequisite is to have the application downloaded on a smartphone and a registered user to access it. Once the user has been accepted, the only thing left to do is to create the project. When creating the network you can include all the in- formation about it, from the date of creation to the lo - cation and companies involved. Once created, the only thing left to do is to add the rest of the users with whom it will be shared. In order to add the products during the installation you can either do it with the GPS of the smartphone activated to have the highest precision or in case of lack of signal you can register the pieces and once you have connection again the app will place them auto- matically. If it is a Molecor product, simply scan the QR code of the piece to obtain all its information, if it is a piece of another material or manufacturer, the data must be in - cluded manually. In addition, pictures or comments can be added to complement the information. After this, the layout will be created and made avail - able in real time to all users included in the project to access the information and position of each pipe, fit - ting, valve, etc. wherever and whenever. Complete and immediate information that can be accessed from a smartphone without the need for exclusive equipment or special training to operate the software. New technologies at the service of water Innovation is one of the most important values of Mo- lecor's identity and drives the company to create and adapt new ideas to reimagine the water canalization sec- tor. This has made it possible to develop more efficient, sustainable and durable pipes and fittings or to offer digital tools that facilitate installation and maintenance. geoTOM ® is, by its contribution to the improvement of the efficiency of water networks, another example of Molecor's commitment to the environment, and of its